

我有一个配置,其中我使用Keycloak作为Identity Broker,并使用自定义的身份提供程序(使用Spring Security OAuth)来提供用户信息.

I have a configuration where I'm using Keycloak as an Identity Broker, and a custom Identity Provider (using Spring Security OAuth) to provide user information.

我观察到的是,当我尝试注销(使用前通道流)时,保留了包含KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY的Keycloak cookie.我希望看到Set-Cookie标头将过期设置为过去的某个日期.

What I observe is that when I attempt to log out (using frontchannel flow), Keycloak cookies including KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY remain. I expect to see Set-Cookie headers setting the expires to some date in the past.

的含义是,如果我随后转到受保护的端点/页面,则无需重新登录就可以访问该资源.Keycloak从KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY cookie中读取IdToken值,并使用该值重新认证用户

The implication of this is that if I then go to a protected endpoint/page, I am able to access that resource without logging back in. Keycloak reads the IdToken value from the KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY cookie and uses that to reauthenticate the user.


How do I configure Keycloak to fully log a user out?



The solution is buried in the Keycloak source code:

  • 如果我在身份提供程序"配置中指定注销URL,则Keycloak不会取消设置其自己的cookie.参考:OIDCIdentityProvider.keycloakInitiatedBrowserLogout().此方法需要返回null,以便Keycloak取消设置其Cookie.
  • If I specify a logout url in my Identity Provider configuration, Keycloak will not unset its own cookies. Reference: OIDCIdentityProvider.keycloakInitiatedBrowserLogout(). This method needs to return null in order for Keycloak to unset its cookies.


08-26 03:03