

我有一个使用FlatList的RN(0.44.2)mobx(3.1.10)应用程序.我基本上是在 https://blog.callstack.io/write-react-native-apps-in-2017-style-with-mobx-e2dffc209fcb

I have a RN (0.44.2) mobx (3.1.10) app which uses a FlatList. I'm basically following https://blog.callstack.io/write-react-native-apps-in-2017-style-with-mobx-e2dffc209fcb


When using my own store, opposed to the examples, I'm having to use toJS() in order to get the FlastList to render

    // renders list
      keyExtractor={(_, i) => i}
      renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>found the data</Text>}

    // does not render list
      keyExtractor={(_, i) => i}
      renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>did not find the data</Text>}


I'm really struggling to figure out why toJS() might be needed in some cases and not others.


My store is setting the images observable like this

async getImageList(query: string) {
  try {
    const requestURL = `${constants.GIPHY_ENDPOINT}${query}`
    const response = await axios.get(requestURL);
    const imgs = response.data.data.map((item) => {
      return { id: item.id, url: item.images.downsized.url }
  } catch (e) {

作为后续问题,我不确定为什么需要执行以下this.images.replace(imgs),就像在教程中他只是做了this.tracks = response.data.tracks.items一样,它触发了可观察的效果.

As a follow up question, I'm not sure why I need to do the following this.images.replace(imgs) where as in the tutorial he simply did does this.tracks = response.data.tracks.items which triggers the observable just fine.


If anyone has suggestions, I would very much appreciate it.


这是因为 mobx的数组是对象,并且期望FlatList react native 中的数据数组.您可以在此处那里.

This is because mobx's arrays are objects and the data in FlatList or in react native expects an array. You can read more about it in here and there.

也... slice返回一个浅复制;一个具有相同内容的新数组,而toJS还将转换数组中的值(但仅当它们是可观察的时).

Also..., slice returns a shallow copy; a new array with the same contents, while toJS also converts the values inside the array (but only if they are observables).


09-02 02:48