本文介绍了X $ C $ç7.3.1不正确自动填入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我有一个简单,全新的Objective-C iOS版OSX埃尔卡皮坦10.11.4项目。我使用的CocoaPods,所以我创建了下面的3个豆荚Podfile:火力地堡,UALogger和AFNetworking 3.0。我安装我的豆荚,然后打开了.xcworkspace。到目前为止好。

I have a simple, brand new Objective-C project for iOS on OSX El Capitan 10.11.4. I am using Cocoapods, so I created my Podfile with the following 3 pods: Firebase, UALogger, and AFNetworking 3.0. I installed my Pods, and then opened up the .xcworkspace. So far so good.

我有一个视图控制器和一个子类的UITableView,而在VC的 .M ,我进口火力地堡,UALogger,AFNetworking,和我的tableview这样:

I have one View Controller and a subclassed UITableView, and in the VC's .m, I import Firebase, UALogger, AFNetworking, and my tableview as such:

// MyViewController.m
#import "MyTableView.h"
#import <AFNetworking.h>
#import <Firebase/Firebase.h>
#import <UALogger/UALogger.h>
@property (strong, nonatomic) MyTableView *tableView;

然后我去我的 viewDidLoad中方法,以及尝试的做火力地堡的简单分配/ init和创建我的tableview:

I then go to my viewDidLoad method, and attempt to do a simple alloc/init of Firebase and create my tableview:

// MyViewController viewDidLoad
Firebase *firebase = [[Firebase alloc] initWithUrl:@"myurl...";
self.tableView = [[MyTableView alloc] init];


  • 火力地堡类不会自动提示,所以我必须手动键入了两个位置,但是,在 initWithUrl ... 的令人惊讶的自动建议。

  • The Firebase class is not auto-suggested, so I have to manually type that out in both locations, but, the initWithUrl... is surprisingly auto-suggested.

UALogger 如预期所有的时间工作 - 也就是说,任何时候我开始键入 UA ... ,它表明适当的落成。

UALogger works as expected all the time – i.e., any time I begin typing UA..., it suggests the appropriate completions.


AFNetworking classes are not auto-suggested and I have to manually type them out, but as with Firebase, the method names are auto-suggested.

当我开始创建我的tableview,在 MyTableView 类不会自动提示。这是在这一点毫无疑问,但这个显着的部分是,它是我自己的文件,而不是一个吊舱。

When I begin to create my tableview, the MyTableView class is not auto-suggested. That's no surprise at this point, but the notable part of this is that it is my own file, not a pod.


As far as I can tell, Apple standard library methods are all auto-suggested as normal.


  • 如果我键入˚F中期构建过程中(即,在我点击运行按钮,而之前该项目完成建设),火力地堡将会的被autosuggested。然而,一旦构建完成后,如果我退格然后重新键入字母˚F,它不再是一个建议。同样的效果也不会发生AFNetworking或其他。

  • If I type an F during mid-build (i.e., after I click the run button, but before the project finishes building), Firebase will be autosuggested. However, once the build has finished, if I backspace and then retype the letter F, it is no longer a suggestion. The same effect does not happen for AFNetworking or the others.



  • 设置用户头搜索路径在构建设置为 $(SRCROOT)/ ** (也是$(SRCROOT)/ ** $(SRCROOT))一起将其设置为递归

  • 清除出标题搜索路径(他们恢复到他们是什么之前,我清理出来)

  • 设置总是搜索用户路径

  • 确保荚公共头文件是在机智和正确

  • 确保我的文件会员目标的一部分

  • 删除得出的数据

  • 重新启动计算机

  • 清洁项目

  • 重新删除得出的数据

  • 重新清洗项目

  • 重新重新启动计算机

  • 卸载所有的吊舱,并重新安装它们

  • 创建第二,新但相同的项目,并且重复上述步骤

  • 卸载X code和重新安装

  • Setting User Header Search Paths in Build Settings to $(SRCROOT)/** (and also "$(SRCROOT)/**" and also $(SRCROOT)) along with it set to recursive
  • Clearing out the Header Search Paths (and they reset to what they were before I cleared them out)
  • Setting Always Search User Paths to Yes
  • Ensuring the Pod public header files are in tact and correct
  • Ensuring my files are part of Target Membership
  • Deleted derived data
  • Restarting the computer
  • Cleaning the project
  • Re-deleting derived data
  • Re-cleaning the project
  • Re-restarting the computer
  • Uninstalling all pods, and reinstalling them
  • Creating a second, new yet identical project, and repeating the above steps
  • Uninstalling Xcode, and reinstalling it


None of this worked, and now I'm here.

好消息是,这个假设是不是什么大不了的事 - 我只需要输入更多和我的小工作的手指骨

The good news is that this hypothetically isn't that big of a deal – I just have to type more and work my little fingers to the bone.


The bad news is that I have no clue why this is happening and have to type more and work my little fingers to the bone.


If there is a solution to this that I have yet to try, please let me know. Thanks.


您可以强制X code通过的 pressing按住Ctrl键+空格键手动显示建议。

Try cleaning your project and remove derive data.You can force the Xcode to show suggestions manually by pressing ctrl button + space bar.

这篇关于X $ C $ç7.3.1不正确自动填入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 09:26