


I have an Angular project which I compile with AOT. I want to be able to register ClassProvider that is resolved dynamically according to configuration. Simplified code I use is this:

const isMock = Math.random() > 0.5;

  // ...
  providers: [
    { provide: MyServiceBase, useClass: (isMock) ? MyServiceMock : MyService },
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


The problem is when I compile this with AOT I always get the same service. I would expect to get different service while hitting F5 (because of the randomness on the first line). When compiling without AOT it behaves as I expect.

这是github上的完整代码示例: https://github.com/vdolek/angular-test/tree/aot-conditioned-provider-problem . ng serveng serve --aot的行为不同.

Here is the whole code example on github: https://github.com/vdolek/angular-test/tree/aot-conditioned-provider-problem. It behaves differently with ng serve and ng serve --aot.


How can I achieve this? I know I could use FactoryProvider, but then I would have to duplicate the services dependencies (parameters of the factory function and deps property on the FactoryProvider).



To achieve the dynamic nature of your requirement, you need to use factory providers, via the useFactory attribute.

我已经分叉了您的存储库,并修改了 app.module.ts 如下所示,即可在AOT中使用.

I've forked your repository, and amended your app.module.ts as follows, to work in AOT.


export let myServiceFactory = () => {

  const isMock = Math.random() > 0.5;

  return isMock ? new MyServiceMock() : new MyService();

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
    {provide: MyServiceBase, useFactory: myServiceFactory},
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {


In the case that your service is dependent on other services, which, most likely it will, you can use the deps argument, to pass on the required dependencies.


Let's say that MyServiceBase is dependent on two services, MyService1 and MyService2... Your factory function will look as follows :

export let myServiceFactory = (service1:MyService1, service2:MyService2) => {

  const isMock = Math.random() > 0.5;

  return isMock ? new MyServiceMock(service1, service2) : new MyService(service1, service2);


and your providers decleration would look as follows

providers: [
       provide: MyServiceBase, 
       useFactory: myServiceFactory,
       deps: [MyService1, MyService2]


This guide contains further detail on the various ways of achieving dependency injection in Angular.


09-21 03:36