Hi I am using jsPdf for making pdf of html content, it is going fine for short content and creating pdf , but when I am trying to use it on large content with html2canvas.js (for rendering css), it is not creating pdf.Any suggestions or sample code for this would be helpful.Thank you.
It is possible to create pdf for large files. There are primarily two ways to do this :
1。 html - > canvas - > image - > pdf (我假设你正在尝试这种方法)
1. html -> canvas -> image -> pdf (I assume you are trying this approach)
2。 html - > pdf (如果html包含svg,则无效)
2. html -> pdf (does not work if html contains svg)
我建议你去(2)(1)(如果你有svg内容) - 这是相当昂贵的操作浏览器,有浏览器崩溃的可能性。
I would suggest you to go for (2) unless you have a good reason to go for (1) (like if you are have svg content)-- it is quite expensive operation for the browser and there is possibility of the browser crashing too.
1。 html - > canvas - > image - > pdf
这里非常整齐地描述 -
This is very neatly described here - https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF/issues/339#issuecomment-53327389
我使用这种方法的经验 - 当生成的pdf包含超过2-3页时崩溃。 (在最新的chrome和Firefox上测试)
My experience when using this method - crashes when the pdf generated contains more than 2-3 pages. (tested on latest chrome and firefox)
2。 html - > pdf
var pdf = new jsPDF('l', 'pt', 'a4');
var options = {
pagesplit: true
pdf.addHTML($('body'), 0, 0, options, function(){
This is way faster compared to above approach. Generates pdf containing 5-6 pages in 1-2 seconds!