为什么要在C ++函数中最后添加默认参数?
Why should default parameters be added last in C++ functions?
简化语言定义并保持代码可读性。 / p>
To simplify the language definition and keep code readable.
void foo(int x = 2, int y);
要调用并利用默认值,您需要这样的语法: p>
To call that and take advantage of the default value, you'd need syntax like this:
foo(, 3);
Which was probably felt to be too weird. Another alternative is specifying names in the argument list:
foo(y : 3);
A new symbol would have to be used because this already means something:
foo(y = 3); // assign 3 to y and then pass y to foo.
The naming approach was considered by rejected by the ISO committee because they were uncomfortable with introducing a new significance to parameter names outside of the function definition.
如果您对更多的C ++设计理念感兴趣,请阅读。
If you're interested in more C++ design rationales, read The Design and Evolution of C++ by Stroustrup.
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