我想知道是否允许在同一个视图中使用多个 UItableView (我没有看到任何东西在 Apple的人机界面指南!),如果可以,如何在中加载 DataSource in viewDidLoad UITableView ?
I want to know if it's allowed to use Multiple UItableView in the same View (i don't see any thing in the Apple's Human Interface Guidelines!) and if it's OK, How to load different DataSource in viewDidLoad for each UITableView?
You can most certainly have multiple table views. You would want to make sure you keep a pointer around to each one, then in your data source methods, you would do something like this:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { if(tableView == tableViewOne) return 5; else //if (tableView == tableViewTwo) return 3; }
This would be the same for all delegate / data source methods, which is why they give you which table view as a parameter.