


$ b $ p 〜\b('。$ value。' )\ b〜i

...因为它匹配HTML标签内的文本(即 title =这是蓝色! )。这是一个问题,因为我正在对任何正则表达式匹配的文本进行替换,然后使用标题标记显示工具提示。所以,正如你可以想象的那样,它将替换标题中的文本并打破工具提示的HTML。例如,应该是什么:

< span class =bluetitle =This is blue!> Aqua< / span> ;


< span class =bluetitle =这是< span class =blue=>皇家蓝< / span>& gt; Aqua< / span>

我使用strip_tags并未解决问题;我认为我需要的是一个更好的正则表达式,它无法匹配以 blue>> 结尾的内容(在本例中为blue任何人都可以追加我需要的正则表达式吗?或者你有更好的解决方案吗?


正则替换通常看起来像解决方案,但它们可能有很多不良的副作用,并没有真正实现你但是如果你坚持使用正则表达式,请注意DOMDocument模型(正如一些评论者所建议的那样)。 / questions / 12532744 / regex-ignore-matches-between-script-tags>这里是一篇关于SO的好文章,它使用两遍来完成你想要的内容。

I have a regular expression using word boundaries that works exceedingly well...


...save for the fact that it matches text inside HTML tags (i.e. title="This is blue!"). It's a problem because I'm doing text substitution on anything the regex matches, then making tooltips appear using those title tags. So, as you can imagine, it's substituting text inside the title and breaking the HTML of the tooltip. For example, what should be:

<span class="blue" title="This is blue!">Aqua</span>

...ends up becoming...

<span class="blue" title="This is <span class=" blue"="">Royal Blue</span>"&gt;Aqua</span>

My use of strip_tags didn't solve the issue; I think what I need is a better regular expression which simply will not match content ending in blue"> ('blue' in this case being placeholder for any other color in the array I'm comparing it against).

Can anyone append what I need to the regular expression? Or do you have a better solution?


Regex replaces often seem like the solution but they can have a lot of ill side-effects, and not really accomplish what you want. Look into DOMDocument models instead (as some commenters have suggested).

But if you insist on using regex, here's a good post on SO. It uses two passes to accomplish what you want.


11-01 02:29