


I'm getting image pixel data like this:

var p = c.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data;
var red = p[0];
var green = p[1];
var blue p[2];

对此很抱歉,但是我的问题不是关于代码的问题,rgb的范围被认为是蓝色的颜色? (例如,红色也可能由蓝色组成,但是我们将其称为红色,如何确定它?)

Sorry for this but my question is not much about code, what range of rgb is considered to be blue color? (for example red color may consist of blue color too, but we call it red, how to determine it?)



Any colour in the hue range from 180 to 300 can be considered blue, since that's the primary colour that is dominant. However, if you want to consider secondary colours too, then your range is 210 to 270. Then you have to factor in things like "it still looks cyan" (since green is far more perceptually bright than blue) and stuff like that, there's really no hard-and-fast definition.

所以您可以做的就是说 if(max(red(green,red,green,blue)== blue)then blue)没有人会为此而责备你。

So what you could do is say "if( max( red, green, blue) == blue) then it's blue" and nobody can fault you for it.


10-27 19:16