

我正在使用在 Yocto Sumo 中开发的 VAR-SOM-MX7 开发设备.我设法将虚拟键盘添加到我的 QApplication 中,但是当键盘出现时,它与应用程序重叠.textEdit 字段仍然从虚拟键盘获取输入,但在键入时无法显示 textEdit 字段.

I am developing a device using VAR-SOM-MX7 developing in Yocto Sumo.I managed to add virtual keyboard into my QApplication but when the keyboard appeared, it overlaps the application.The textEdit field still getting the input from the virtual keyboard but just cannot show the textEdit field while typing.


qputenv("QMLSCENE_DEVICE", QByteArray("softwarecontext"))
CONFIG += disable-desktop

在 qml 中我改变了键盘布局:

In qml I changed the keyboard layout:

keyboardBackground: Rectangle {
   color: "transparent"


But still I am getting black screen on top overlapping my application.


经过长时间的尝试,我终于找到了解决此问题的方法.虚拟键盘是使用另一个 QQuickWindow 创建的,这个窗口与我的 QWidget 应用程序窗口重叠.我只需要找到vk窗口,并使用QWindow setMask函数来屏蔽黑色区域.

After long try, I finally found a solution to solve this issue.The virtual keyboard was created using another QQuickWindow and this window overlap my QWidget application window.I just have to find the vk window, and use the QWindow setMask function to mask of the black region.


Hope this can help others too since I couldn't find any other solution online on this matter.


07-29 22:16