本文介绍了Scala 中大括号和圆括号之间的正式区别是什么,何时应该使用它们?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What is the formal difference between passing arguments to functions in parentheses () and in braces {}?

我从Scala 编程中得到的感觉 这本书认为 Scala 非常灵活,我应该使用我最喜欢的那个,但我发现有些情况可以编译,而另一些则不能.

The feeling I got from the Programming in Scala book is that Scala's pretty flexible and I should use the one I like best, but I find that some cases compile while others don't.


For instance (just meant as an example; I would appreciate any response that discusses the general case, not this particular example only):

val tupleList = List[(String, String)]()
val filtered = tupleList.takeWhile( case (s1, s2) => s1 == s2 )

=> 错误:简单表达式的非法开始

=> error: illegal start of simple expression

val filtered = tupleList.takeWhile{ case (s1, s2) => s1 == s2 }

=> 很好.



I tried once to write about this, but I gave up in the end, as the rules are somewhat diffuse. Basically, you’ll have to get the hang of it.


Perhaps it is best to concentrate on where curly braces and parenthesis can be used interchangeably: when passing parameters to method calls. You may replace parenthesis with curly braces if, and only if, the method expects a single parameter. For example:

List(1, 2, 3).reduceLeft{_ + _} // valid, single Function2[Int,Int] parameter

List{1, 2, 3}.reduceLeft(_ + _) // invalid, A* vararg parameter


However, there’s more you need to know to better grasp these rules.

Spray 的作者推荐圆括号,因为它们增加了编译检查.这对于像 Spray 这样的 DSL 尤其重要.通过使用括号,你告诉编译器它应该只给出一行;因此,如果您不小心给它两个或更多,它会抱怨.现在花括号不是这种情况——例如,如果你在某处忘记了一个运算符,那么你的代码将被编译,你会得到意想不到的结果,并且可能是一个很难找到的错误.下面是人为的(因为表达是纯粹的,至少会给出警告),但说明了这一点:

The authors of Spray recommend round parens because they give increased compile checking. This is especially important for DSLs like Spray. By using parens you are telling the compiler that it should only be given a single line; therefore if you accidentally give it two or more, it will complain. Now this isn’t the case with curly braces – if for example you forget an operator somewhere, then your code will compile, and you get unexpected results and potentially a very hard bug to find. Below is contrived (since the expressions are pure and will at least give a warning), but makes the point:

method {
  1 +

  1 +

第一个编译,第二个给出error: ')' expected but integer literal found.作者想写1 + 2 + 3.

The first compiles, the second gives error: ')' expected but integer literal found. The author wanted to write 1 + 2 + 3.


One could argue it’s similar for multi-parameter methods with default arguments; it’s impossible to accidentally forget a comma to separate parameters when using parens.

关于冗长的一个重要的经常被忽视的注释.由于 Scala 风格指南 明确指出右花括号必须在自己的行上:

An important often overlooked note about verbosity. Using curly braces inevitably leads to verbose code since the Scala style guide clearly states that closing curly braces must be on their own line:

... 右大括号紧跟在最后一个函数的行.

许多自动重新格式化程序,如 IntelliJ,会自动为您执行此重新格式化.所以尽量坚持使用圆括号.

Many auto-reformatters, like in IntelliJ, will automatically perform this reformatting for you. So try to stick to using round parens when you can.

当使用中缀表示法时,如 List(1,2,3) indexOf (2) 如果只有一个参数,你可以省略括号,写成 List(1, 2, 3) indexOf 2.这不是点符号的情况.

When using infix notation, like List(1,2,3) indexOf (2) you can omit parenthesis if there is only one parameter and write it as List(1, 2, 3) indexOf 2. This is not the case of dot-notation.

另请注意,当您有一个多标记表达式的单个参数时,例如 x + 2a =>;a % 2 == 0,必须用括号表示表达式的边界.

Note also that when you have a single parameter that is a multi-token expression, like x + 2 or a => a % 2 == 0, you have to use parenthesis to indicate the boundaries of the expression.

因为有时可以省略括号,有时元组需要额外的括号,例如((1, 2)),有时可以省略外括号,例如(1,2).这可能会引起混淆.

Because you can omit parenthesis sometimes, sometimes a tuple needs extra parenthesis like in ((1, 2)), and sometimes the outer parenthesis can be omitted, like in (1, 2). This may cause confusion.

Scala 有函数和部分函数字面量的语法.它看起来像这样:

Scala has a syntax for function and partial function literals. It looks like this:

    case pattern if guard => statements
    case pattern => statements

唯一可以使用 case 语句的其他地方是带有 matchcatch 关键字:

The only other places where you can use case statements are with the match and catch keywords:

object match {
    case pattern if guard => statements
    case pattern => statements
try {
} catch {
    case pattern if guard => statements
    case pattern => statements
} finally {

您不能在任何其他上下文中使用 case 语句.所以,如果你想使用case,你需要花括号.如果您想知道函数和部分函数文字之间的区别是什么,答案是:上下文.如果 Scala 需要一个函数,那么你得到的就是一个函数.如果它需要一个偏函数,你就会得到一个偏函数.如果两者都是预期的,则会给出关于歧义的错误.

You cannot use case statements in any other context. So, if you want to use case, you need curly braces. In case you are wondering what makes the distinction between a function and partial function literal, the answer is: context. If Scala expects a function, a function you get. If it expects a partial function, you get a partial function. If both are expected, it gives an error about ambiguity.


Parenthesis can be used to make subexpressions. Curly braces can be used to make blocks of code (this is not a function literal, so beware of trying to use it like one). A block of code consists of multiple statements, each of which can be an import statement, a declaration or an expression. It goes like this:

    import stuff._
    statement ; // ; optional at the end of the line
    statement ; statement // not optional here
    var x = 0 // declaration
    while (x < 10) { x += 1 } // stuff
    (x % 5) + 1 // expression

( expression )

所以,如果你需要声明、多条语句、import 或类似的东西,你需要花括号.并且因为表达式是一个语句,括号可能出现在花括号内.但有趣的是代码块也是表达式,所以你可以在表达式的任何地方使用它们:

So, if you need declarations, multiple statements, an import or anything like that, you need curly braces. And because an expression is a statement, parenthesis may appear inside curly braces. But the interesting thing is that blocks of code are also expressions, so you can use them anywhere inside an expression:

( { var x = 0; while (x < 10) { x += 1}; x } % 5) + 1


So, since expressions are statements, and blocks of codes are expressions, everything below is valid:

1       // literal
(1)     // expression
{1}     // block of code
({1})   // expression with a block of code
{(1)}   // block of code with an expression
({(1)}) // you get the drift...


基本上,您不能将 {} 替换为 (),反之亦然.例如:

Where they are not interchangeable

Basically, you can’t replace {} with () or vice versa anywhere else. For example:

while (x < 10) { x += 1 }


This is not a method call, so you can’t write it in any other way. Well, you can put curly braces inside the parenthesis for the condition, as well as use parenthesis inside the curly braces for the block of code:

while ({x < 10}) { (x += 1) }


So, I hope this helps.

这篇关于Scala 中大括号和圆括号之间的正式区别是什么,何时应该使用它们?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 07:43