我遇到的情况是客户端正在使用php4,看起来好像没有梨.是否有已建立的PHP BBCode解析器可与vBulletin的BBCode系统一起使用?
I've got a situation where the client is using php4 and doesn't look like they have PEAR. Is there an established PHP BBCode parser that will work with vBulletin's BBCode system?
I just need to convert the BBCode to HTML. This is a data migration from vBulletin to a new platform, so I can't use vBulletin's BBCode parser.
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/misc.php ?do = bbcode
Update to respond to the criticism (entered three years after you accepted this answer) that this didn't contain enough content directly in the post.
该脚本的名称当前为"Recruiting Parser(BBCode to HTML)".
The name of the script is currently "Recruiting Parser (BBCode to HTML)".
Updated the link as of 11 Feb 2013.
为了确保链接的安全性,如果链接再次损坏,我建议将Google与搜索词 BBCode转换为HTML php 一起使用,就像我为您回答此问题时所做的那样.或者,您可以访问HotScripts在更有针对性的环境中尝试搜索技能.
To future-proof the link, in the event it gets broken again, I suggest using Google with the search term BBCode to HTML php, as I did at the time I answered this question for you. Or, you can visit HotScripts to try your searching skills in a more targeted environment.