本文介绍了“暂停"的目的是什么? x86中的指令?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to create a dumb version of a spin lock. Browsing the web, I came across a assembly instruction called "PAUSE" in x86 which is used to give hint to a processor that a spin-lock is currently running on this CPU. The intel manual and other information available state that


The last line of the above paragraph is intuitive. If I am unsuccessful in grabbing the lock, I must wait for some time before grabbing the lock again.


However, what do we mean by memory order violation in case of a spin lock?Does "memory order violation" mean the incorrect speculative load/store of the instructions after spin-lock?


The spin-lock question has been asked on Stack overflow before but the memory order violation question remains unanswered (at-least for my understanding).



Just imagine, how the processor would execute a typical spin-wait loop:

1 Spin_Lock:
2    CMP lockvar, 0   ; Check if lock is free
3    JE Get_Lock
4    JMP Spin_Lock
5 Get_Lock:


After a few iterations the branch predictor will predict that the conditional branch (3) will never be taken and the pipeline will fill with CMP instructions (2). This goes on until finally another processor writes a zero to lockvar. At this point we have the pipeline full of speculative (i.e. not yet committed) CMP instructions some of which already read lockvar and reported an (incorrect) nonzero result to the following conditional branch (3) (also speculative). This is when the memory order violation happens. Whenever the processor "sees" an external write (a write from another processor), it searches in its pipeline for instructions which speculatively accessed the same memory location and did not yet commit. If any such instructions are found then the speculative state of the processor is invalid and is erased with a pipeline flush.


Unfortunately this scenario will (very likely) repeat each time a processor is waiting on a spin-lock and make these locks much slower than they ought to be.


1 Spin_Lock:
2    CMP lockvar, 0   ; Check if lock is free
3    JE Get_Lock
4    PAUSE            ; Wait for memory pipeline to become empty
5    JMP Spin_Lock
6 Get_Lock:

PAUSE指令将对所读取的内存进行反管线化",因此不会像第一个示例中那样用推测性CMP(2)指令填充管线. (即,它可能阻塞流水线,直到所有较旧的内存指令都提交为止.)由于CMP指令(2)顺序执行,因此在CMP指令(2)读取之后不太可能发生外部写操作(即,时间窗口要短得多). lockvar,但在提交CMP之前.

The PAUSE instruction will "de-pipeline" the memory reads, so that the pipeline is not filled with speculative CMP (2) instructions like in the first example. (I.e. it could block the pipeline until all older memory instructions are committed.) Because the CMP instructions (2) execute sequentially it is unlikely (i.e. the time window is much shorter) that an external write occurs after the CMP instruction (2) read lockvar but before the CMP is committed.


Of course "de-pipelining" will also waste less energy in the spin-lock and in case of hyperthreading it will not waste resources the other thread could use better. On the other hand there is still a branch mis-prediction waiting to occur before each loop exit. Intel's documentation does not suggest that PAUSE eliminates that pipeline flush, but who knows...

这篇关于“暂停"的目的是什么? x86中的指令?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-31 00:36