


Current Date is 29th March 2017

当我使用PHP减去2个月,我得到 January

When I subtract 2 months using PHP and I get January

$prevmonth = date('M', strtotime('-2 months'));
echo $prevmonth;

但是当我减1个月后,它会给出 3月份

But when I subtract 1 month it gives March

$prevmonth = date('M', strtotime('-1 months'));
echo $prevmonth;


strtotime() code>使用30天,二月(今年)只有28天,所以不会在二月份生效。您可以使用当前日期 d j ,并减去将始终将您放在上个月( -29天):

strtotime() uses 30 day months and there are only 28 in days in February (this year) so will not yield a valid date in February. You could use the current day d or j and subtract that which will always put you in the previous month (-29 days):

$prevmonth = date('M', strtotime('-' . date('d') . ' days'));

这将获得 12月 January


08-14 22:34