我想探索一个活动进程的内存,当我这样做时,进程不能受到干扰 - 所以将 gdb 附加到进程(这会阻止它)不是一种选择.因此,我想从/proc/kcore 获取此信息(如果您知道另一种方法,请告诉我).所以我做了一个小实验.我创建了一个名为 TEST 的文件,里面只有EXTRATESTEXTRA".然后我用less打开它
I would like to explore the memory of a living process, and when I do so, the process must not get disturbed - so attaching gdb to the process (which would stop it) is not an option.Therefore I would like to get this info from /proc/kcore (if you know of another way to do this please let me know).So I made a little experiment. I created a file called TEST with only "EXTRATESTEXTRA" inside.Then I opened it with less
$ less TEST
I got the PID of this process with
$ ps aux | grep TEST
user 7785 0.0 0.0 17944 992 pts/8 S+ 16:15 0:00 less TEST
user 7798 0.0 0.0 13584 904 pts/9 S+ 16:16 0:00 grep TEST
And then I used this script to create a dump of all files :
grep rw-p /proc/$1/maps | sed -n 's/^([0-9a-f]*)-([0-9a-f]*) .*$/1 2/p' | while read start stop; do gdb --batch --pid $1 -ex "dump memory $1-$start-$stop.dump 0x$start 0x$stop"; done
(I found it on this site https://serverfault.com/questions/173999/dump-a-linux-processs-memory-to-file)
$ sudo ./dump_all_pid_memory.sh 7785
After this, I looked for "TRATESTEX" in all dumped files :
$ grep -a -o -e '...TRATESTEX...' ./*.dump
所以我得出结论,在 0x00624000 和 0x00628000 之间的某个地方一定出现了这个字符串.因此,我将偏移量转换为十进制数并使用 dd 从/proc/kcore 获取内存:
So I concluded that there must be an occurance of this string somewhere between 0x00624000 and 0x00628000 .Therefore I converted the offsets into decimal numbers and used dd to get the memory from /proc/kcore :
$ sudo dd if="/proc/kcore" of="./y.txt" skip="0" count="1638400" bs=1
令我惊讶的是,文件 y.txt 全是零(我没有在其中找到我要查找的字符串).
To my surprise, the file y.txt was full of zeros (I didn't find the string I was looking for in it).
As a bonus surprise, I ran a simmilar test at the same time with a different test file and found that the other test string i was using(both processes with less were running at the same time) should be found at the same location (the dumping and greping gave the same offset).So there must be something I don't understand clearly.
/proc/pid/maps 不是应该显示内存的偏移量吗(即:如果它说XXX"在偏移量 0x10 处,另一个程序不能使用相同的偏移量,我是对吗?-这是我第二个惊喜的来源)
Isn't the /proc/pid/maps supposed to show the offset of the memory (i.e. : if it would say "XXX" is at offset 0x10, another program could not be using the same offset am I right? - this is the source of my second surprise)
如何读取/proc/kmap 来获取属于我知道的 pid 进程的内存?
How can I read /proc/kmap to get the memory that belongs to a process which's pid I know ?
对于进程 1234,您可以通过顺序读取 /proc/1234/maps
(文本伪文件)和通过例如读取虚拟内存read(2)-ing 或 mmap(2)-/proc/1234 的适当部分/mem
For process 1234 you can get its memory map by reading sequentially /proc/1234/maps
(a textual pseudo-file) and read the virtual memory by e.g. read(2)-ing or mmap(2)-ing appropriate segments of the /proc/1234/mem
sparse pseudo-file.
但是,我相信您无法避免某种同步(也许与 ptrace(2),正如 gdb
所做的那样),因为进程 1234 可以(并且确实)随时(使用 mmap
However, I believe you cannot avoid some kind of synchronization (perhaps with ptrace(2), as gdb
does), since the process 1234 can (and does) alter its address space at any time (with mmap
& related syscalls).
如果被监控进程 1234 不是任意的,情况就不同了,但如果你可以改进它以某种方式与监控进程通信.
The situation is different if the monitored process 1234 is not arbitrary, but if you could improve it to communicate somehow with the monitoring process.
我不确定你为什么问这个.并且 gdb
I'm not sure to understand why do you ask this. And gdb
is able to watch
some location without stopping the process.