This issue has been discussed back in October here. This is a new question as CoreBluetooth is fairly new and some changes might have occurred since then.
I have a BLE device advertising every 2 seconds. Scanning is initiated using:
[self.CM scanForPeripheralsWithServices:nil options:0]
最常返回(通过centralManager didDiscoverPeripheral回调)大约2s到4s之后。 (CM是我的CentralManger)
Which returns most often (via the centralManager didDiscoverPeripheral callback) around 2s to 4s later. (CM is my CentralManger)
However, about 30% of the time, the scan takes 10 to 18 seconds.WiFi and BT in nearby devices has been disabled to clear the spectrum as much as possible.The time to scan seems unrelated to RSSI. Which is -40dB when next to the iPAd3, -70dB when about 5 metres away in another room.
[self.CM stopScan];
is called before the scanWithPeripherals as it reduces the occurrence of really long waits.
No connection is being made. No characteristic or services data is being requested. Advertising data is sufficient.
有一个有用的TI 。
There is a useful TI demonstrator app.This gives similar results (actually slightly worse as it doesn't make any stopScan calls)
The CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey option as seen in this Stackoverflow answer if anything seems to lengthen discovery times.
Obviously, the next step is to use some more advanced BT sniffer / advert generation tools to further characterise this CoreBluetooth response.
This is another useful SO question, but does not elaborate enough on response times.
The CoreBluetooth isn't listening continuously. It is sharing HW resources with bluetooth classic and Wifi.
Basically you must be "Lucky" to receive the advertisement package."Lucky" as in that the 2 sliding windows of the 2 unsynchronised systems must hit each other.If CoreBluetooth opens it's BLE window 10% of the time and you have set the advertisement interval without knowledge about the exact timing then it will/can take 10 times the advertisement interval.
一个建议是做广告>快速<对于前30秒(比如20ms,您应该在第一个活动的CoreBluetooth窗口中发现它),然后减慢到Apple指定的间隔。 2,00秒不是一个好的数字。
One recommendation is to advertise >fast< for the first 30 seconds (say 20ms and you should discover it in the first active CoreBluetooth window) and then slow down to intervals specified by Apple. 2,00 seconds is NOT a good number.
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间隔20 ms至少30秒。如果在最初的30秒内未发现,则附件可能会选择节省电池电量并增加其广告间隔。 Apple建议使用以下
Advertising IntervalThe advertising interval of the Bluetooth accessory should be carefully considered, because it affects the timeto discovery and connect performance. For a battery-powered accessory, its battery resources should also beconsidered.To be discovered by the Apple product, the Bluetooth accessory should first use the recommended advertisinginterval of 20 ms for at least 30 seconds. If it is not discovered within the initial 30 seconds, the accessory maychoose to save battery power and increase its advertising interval. Apple recommends using one of the followinglonger intervals to increase chances of discovery by the Apple product:
645 ms
768 ms
961 ms
1065 ms
1294 ms
645 ms768 ms961 ms1065 ms1294 ms
如果必须节省电池,请尝试1294 ms。
So try 1294 ms if you must save battery.