


代码已更新 public class isbn
{// attributes
private string isbnNum;
public string GetIsbn()
return this.isbnNum;
public isbn()
this.isbnNum = Console.ReadLine();

} //结束默认构造函数

public string displayISBN()

返回这个。 GetIsbn();


public static void Main(string [] args)
//创建ISBN / book class

isbn myFavoriteBook = new isbn();

bool isValid = CheckDigit.CheckIsbn(myFavoriteBook.GetIsbn());

Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Your book {0} a valid ISBN,


} // end main


代码更新 >

  public static class CheckDigit 
{// attributes
public static string NormalizeIsbn(string isbn)
return isbn.Replace( - ,).Replace(,);
public static bool CheckIsbn(string isbn)//检查ISBN有效性的公式
if(isbn == null)
return false;

isbn = NormalizeIsbn(isbn);
if(isbn.Length!= 10)
return false;

int result;
for(int i = 0; i if(!int.TryParse(isbn [i] .ToString(),out result))
return false;

int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i sum + =(i + 1)* int.Parse(isbn [i] .ToString());

int remainder = sum%11;
if(remainder == 10)
return isbn [9] =='X';
return isbn [9] ==(char)('0'+ remainder);


code> CheckDigit 是ISBN号的业务规则验证器。


  public static class CheckDigit 
public static bool CheckIsbn(string isbn)


  class MyConsoleApp 
static void Main(string [] args)
//创建ISBN / book类的新实例。您将被提示为构造函数的
isbn myFavoriteBook = new isbn();

bool isValid = CheckDigit.CheckIsbn(myFavoriteBook.GetIsbn());

Console.WriteLine(string.Format(Your book {0} a valid ISBN,



  • 我们创建一个新的isbn / book实例。它的构造函数有Console.Readline命令要求用户输入。然后将用户的条目存储到 this.isbnNum

  • 我们的新静态类 CheckDigit 只是任何给定字符串的验证器。它确定发送的参数是否是有效的ISBN号。它会返回一个bool。我们发送了 isbn.GetIsbn(),这是用户输入的。

  • 从<$ c $

因此,真正的用户可以在控制台中以一个句子很好地显示CheckIsbn()有两个主要类 - isbn CheckDigit




  • CheckIsbn 真的只有一件事 - 返回第9个字符是X还是其他数字。它不修改来自用户的ISBN,因为它是今天。如果您想要维护该格式(删除破折号,空格),否则修改输入的ISBN,则可以将ISBN指定为 out 参数。

如果想要用户输入的ISBN,请重新定义方法,以保留方法中所做的任何更改 CheckIsbn

  public static bool CheckIsbn(out string isbn)

I'm trying to make a program that check the ISBN number and sees if it has the correct check digit, if it doesn't have the check digit it will add one. I have an Idea of how it will work I just cant figure out how to code for it as in the classes inheriting from each other.This is an in class example that is not going to be graded it is just to familiarize us with getting our designs to a working program. here's what I have so far mind you this is a simple console program.

Code Updated

public class isbn
{   //attributes
     private string isbnNum;
     public string GetIsbn()
         return this.isbnNum;
       public isbn()
           Console.Write("Enter Your ISBN Number: ");
           this.isbnNum = Console.ReadLine();

       }//end default constructor

       public string displayISBN()

           return  this.GetIsbn();


   public static void Main(string[] args)
        //create a new instance of the ISBN/book class

        isbn myFavoriteBook = new isbn();

        //contains the method for checking validity 
        bool isValid = CheckDigit.CheckIsbn(myFavoriteBook.GetIsbn());

        //print out the results of the validity.
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Your book {0} a valid ISBN",
                                   isValid ? "has" : "doesn't have"));


    }//end main

This is the check digit code the professor provided in class we just have to mesh it up to get it to work. I know this goes in the check digit class what I don't know is how to incorporate it into code.

Code Updated

 public static class CheckDigit
{       // attributes
    public static string NormalizeIsbn(string isbn)
        return isbn.Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", "");
   public static bool CheckIsbn(string isbn) // formula to check ISBN's validity
        if (isbn == null)
            return false;

        isbn = NormalizeIsbn (isbn);
        if (isbn.Length != 10)
            return false;

        int result;
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            if (!int.TryParse(isbn[i].ToString(), out result))
                return false;

        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            sum += (i + 1) * int.Parse(isbn[i].ToString());

        int remainder = sum % 11;
        if (remainder == 10)
            return isbn[9] == 'X';
            return isbn[9] == (char)('0' + remainder);

It sounds like the class CheckDigit is the business rules validator for ISBN numbers.

In that case:

public static class CheckDigit
    public static bool CheckIsbn(string isbn)
       //implementation as in your question.

Now write a new application (here it's a console app) that uses both of your classes.

class MyConsoleApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //create a new instance of the ISBN/book class. you're prompted as part
        //of the constructor.
        isbn myFavoriteBook = new isbn();

        //new class contains the method for checking validity 
        bool isValid = CheckDigit.CheckIsbn(myFavoriteBook.GetIsbn());

        //write out the results of the validity.
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Your book {0} a valid ISBN", 
                                   isValid ? "has" : "doesn't have"));


Here's what's happening:

  • we create a new instance of isbn/book. Its constructor has the Console.Readline command to ask the user for input. It then stores the user's entry into this.isbnNum.
  • our new static class CheckDigit is simply a validator of any given string. It determines whether the argument sent is a valid ISBN number. It'll return a bool. We sent it the isbn.GetIsbn(), which is what the user entered.
  • the bool returned from the CheckIsbn() is displayed nicely in a sentence for the user in the console.

So really there are 2 main classes - isbn and the CheckDigit. The other Main(string[] args) can be removed from your code.

Here's the entire console app in one file. Paste into your application, and you can see what's happening.

Is that the help you were looking for? Either way, leave a comment, and we can get it sorted out for you.


  • The CheckIsbn really only does 1 thing - returns whether the 9th character is an X or some other number. It doesn't modify the ISBN from the user, as it stands today. If you wanted to maintain that formatting (removing dashes, spaces), and otherwise modify the input ISBN, then you could specify the ISBN as an out parameter.

Redefine your method like this if you want the ISBN entered by the user, to retain any changes made within the method CheckIsbn:

public static bool CheckIsbn(out string isbn) 


10-27 19:57