



这里是程序的一部分我创造了它不可能向你们展示整个程序,因为我将它复制到保存在记事本中,它的文件是64kb !!请告诉我是否有其他替代方案来做这个程序?

hi all,

i''m wondering is there any other alternative to do a timestamp which consists of date and time!! below is a program i''ve created but its too long and to large i would like to know other way to do it can anyone help me?

here is some part of the program i''ve created its impossible to show u guys the whole program as ive copy it to save in a notepad and its file is 64kb!!please tell me if there is other alternative to do this program??

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该程序基本上需要用户键入ddmmyyhhnnss中的日期和时间(d =天,m =月,y =年,h =小时,n = min,s = s ec)其中一天必须具有01-31 / 28/30的条件并且其余为soo因此我能想到的oni方式是使用开关盒,结果是方式太长了!!所以有没有其他方法可以做到这一点?


thanks willa for replying

yes indeed its a long winded method that is why im trying to find out is there any other way u can do it!!

the program basically need the user to keyin the date and time in ddmmyyhhnnss(d=day,m=month,y=year,h=hour,n=min,s=s ec) where the day must have a condition which is 01-31/28/30 and soo on for the rest therefore the oni way i can think off is using switch case which turn out to be way too long!!so is there any other way to do this??

thanks for ur HELP appreciate it alots!!

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08-18 22:24