


This has been troubling me for a while. It goes to the heart of my (lack of) understanding of the difference between static and dynamic memory allocation. The following array is an ordinary static array, which should mean the memory is allocated during compile time, correct? Yet, I've set it up so that the user enters the array size at runtime.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout << "how many elements should the array hold? ";
  int arraySize;
  cin >> arraySize;

  int arr[arraySize];

  for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
    arr[i] = i * 2;

  return 0;

请注意,此程序中没有newdelete运算符.它在Xcode 4.2(默认的Clang编译器)以及我学校的UNIX服务器(GCC 4.4.5)中都可以正常工作.在编译时创建数组时,编译器如何知道为arr分配多少内存?这只是我的编译器的fl幸,可能破坏其他内存的危险代码,还是合法的?

Note that there are no new or delete operators in this program. It works fine in Xcode 4.2 (default Clang compiler) as well as my school's UNIX server (GCC 4.4.5). How does the compiler know how much memory to allocate for arr when the array is created at compile time? Is this just a fluke of my compiler, dangerous code that could corrupt other memory, or is this legit?


这是C ++编译器的非标准扩展.请注意,在C语言中,与C ++语言不同,自C99以来正式支持(即标准行为).在C ++中,不支持它,因为已经有解决该问题的方法:使用std::vector而不是数组.

This is a non-standard extension of your C++ compilers. Note that in C, unlike in C++, this is officially supported (i.e. standard-mandated behaviour) since C99. In C++, it is not supported because there's already a solution to the problem: Use std::vector instead of the array.


Not however that the array is not using static memory allocation (nor dynamic memory allocation), but automatic memory allocation. Automatic variables are automatically deallocated at the end of the function (the memory area where they are allocated is known as the stack, because the allocations and deallocations on it have stack semantics). To have the array use static memory allocation you would have to put static in front of the definition (note that variables in global or namespace scope always use static memory allocation, though). However, if you make the variable static, you'll find that the compiler doesn't allow to use a non-constant array size any more.


Note that std::vector stores its data with dynamic memory allocations instead. For that reason, you can also use a non-constant size even for static std::vectors.


09-05 09:03