我想在google Colab上安装google驱动器,并且我正在使用此命令来安装驱动器
I want to mount google drive on google Colab and I am using this command to mount the drive
from google.colab import drive
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-9667a744255b> in <module>()
1 from google.colab import drive
----> 2 drive.mount('content/drive/')
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/google/colab/drive.py in
mount(mountpoint, force_remount)
99 raise ValueError('Mountpoint must either be a directory or not exist')
100 if '/' in mountpoint and not _os.path.exists(_os.path.dirname(mountpoint)):
--> 101 raise ValueError('Mountpoint must be in a directory that exists')
102 except:
103 d.terminate(force=True)
ValueError: Mountpoint must be in a directory that exists
@clarky: the error you got was correct tried to tell you that your usage of drive.mount() is incorrect: the mountpoint argument to drive.mount() must be an empty directory that exists, or the name of a non-existent file/directory in a directory that does exist so that the mountpoint can be created as part of the mount operation. Your usage of a relative path in drive.mount('content/drive/')
(i.e. content/drive/
) implies that the mount should happen at '/content/content/drive'
because the interpreter's default path is /content
; note the doubled content
path component there, and likely you don't already have a directory named /content/content inside of which a mountpoint named drive
could be created. The fix to your notebook code is to instead use drive.mount('/content/drive')
- note the leading /
making the mountpount path absolute instead of relative.
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