

谷歌表示,SKU:Basic with google places是免费的:

Google states, that SKU:Basic with google places is free:https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/usage-and-billing#new-pricing-for-the-places-api

我正在使用谷歌地图javascript API并使用自动完成功能(有反应)。

I'm using google maps javascript API and use autocomplete (with react).

怎么能我激活SKU:Basic? (对不起,定价模型对我来说是个巨大的?????)

How can I activate SKU:Basic? (Sorry the pricing model is a huge ????? for me)


你不应该激活 SKU:基本数据将根据您在详细信息请求中指定的字段列表自动将其考虑在内。根据文档的基本字段组如下

You shouldn't activate SKU:Basic Data anywhere it will be taken into account automatically according to the list of fields that you specify in your details request. The basic group of fields according to the documentation is the following


此外,您应该了解 SKU:基本数据仅指数据部分的详细信息请求。但是你总是会触发 SKU:Places Details 。换句话说,当您尝试获取某个地点的详细信息 getPlaceDetails()将触发以下SKU:

Also you should understand that SKU:Basic Data refers only to the data part of details request. But you will always trigger SKU: Places Details. In other words when you try to get a details for a place getPlaceDetails() will trigger the following SKUs:

  • SKU:地方详情(每1000美元17美元)

  • SKU:基本数据(免费,如果您要求基本字段)

  • SKU:联系数据(如果您要求提供联系字段,则每1000美元3美元)

  • SKU:大气数据(如果您要求大气场,则每1000美元5美元)

  • SKU: Places Details (17$ per 1000, always)
  • SKU: Basic Data (Free, if you request basic fields)
  • SKU: Contact Data (3$ per 1000, if you request contact fields)
  • SKU: Atmosphere Data (5$ per 1000, if you request atmosphere fields)

如果您未在请求中指定字段,则包含所有SKU,结果为25 $。如果是自动填充,然后是地方详细信息请求,您将获得

If you don't specify fields in request all SKUs are included which results in 25$. In case of autocomplete followed by place details request you will get

  • SKU:自动填充(包含在地方详细信息中) - 每个会话(免费)

  • 详细说明之前的SKU


That means that price for place autocomplete widget varies from 17$ per 1000 requests to 25$ per 1000 requests depending on the list of fields that you specify in details requests.


I hope my answer clarifies your doubt.


If you have any price specific questions I would suggest reaching directly to Google support team via https://console.developers.google.com/google/maps-apis/support


10-24 20:56