本文介绍了如何开始使用Symbian(S60 plattorm)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


因此,在我的新工作中,我们使用的平台之一是S60(诺基亚手机,Symbian OS),对此我感到好奇,并感到有必要不时地为团队提供帮助(我实际上在工作在该软件的服务器端).

So at my new job one of the platforms we use is S60 (Nokia phones, Symbian OS) and I am getting curious about it, as well feeling the need to help the team a bit from time to time (I actually work on the server side of things for this software).


So any good pointers/recommendations/tutorials and shared experiece that might put me in the right direction ?



这些天来,我认为开始本机(意思是C ++)Symbian软件开发几乎是不可能的.诺基亚,索尼和摩托罗拉不再支持其旧的Symbian手机.大多数官方网址均已损坏.仅获得签署和部署应用程序所需的证书将是一个挑战.

These days, I think it is nearly impossible to begin native (meaning C++) Symbian software development. Nokia, Sony and Motorola don't support their old Symbian phones any more. Most official URLs are broken. Simply obtaining a certificate needed to sign and deploy applications would be a challenge.


However, you should still be able to use JavaME to develop software that will run on the remaining Symbian installed base, whatever its current size may be.

无耻的插件: http://www.quickrecipesonsymbianos.com 是专门写的最后一本最好的书适用于进入Symbian OS C ++生态系统的开发人员.

Shameless plug: http://www.quickrecipesonsymbianos.com was the last best book to be written specifically for developers entering the Symbian OS C++ ecosystem.

这篇关于如何开始使用Symbian(S60 plattorm)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-23 22:54