本文介绍了Windows 8 Internet Explorer 10 还有 quirksmode 吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想知道 Windows 8 上的 IE10 是否仍然包含 Quirksmode.因为我们有一个(仍然 :|)与 quirksmode 一起工作的网络应用程序,我想知道它是否仍在 Windows 8 上工作.

I'm wondering if IE10 on Windows 8 still has Quirksmode in it. Because we have a webapplication that (still :|) works with quirksmode and I want to know if it is still working on Windows 8.


IE10 有两种怪癖模式.新模式称为怪癖模式",其行为与 Firefox 和 Webkit 中的怪癖模式完全相同——您可以通过删除 来开启它.所有 HTML5 和其他新功能都在此模式下工作.仅存在一些轻微的规范违规(不需要 CSS 尺寸等单位).

IE10 has two quirk modes. The new one is called "Quirks mode" and behaves exactly the same as quirks mode in Firefox and Webkit - you can turn it on by removing <!doctype>. All HTML5 and other new features work in this mode. Only some minor spec violations are present (not requiring units in CSS dimensions and so on).

传统的 quirks 模式称为IE5 Quirks 模式",在 IE9 中的行为与 quirks 模式相同.您可以使用 X-UA-Compatible: IE=5 HTTP 标头或 <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=5"> 标签.在此模式下,IE 将页面呈现为旧版 IE5.

The legacy quirks mode is called "IE5 Quirks mode" and behaves as quirks mode in IE9. You can turn it on with X-UA-Compatible: IE=5 HTTP header or <meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=5"> tag. In this mode, IE renders the page as old IE5.

为了更好的理解,看看IE如何在新的怪癖模式下呈现Acid2测试:和 IE5 怪癖模式:

For better notion, look at how IE renders Acid2 test in new quirks mode:and IE5 quirks mode:

如果您的应用程序也适用于 Chrome 和 Firefox,您可能希望使用 Quirks 模式;如果只支持IE的怪癖模式,开启IE5的怪癖模式.

If your application works also in Chrome and Firefox, you'll probably want to use Quirks mode; if only IE's quirks mode is supported, turn on IE5 quirks mode.


这篇关于Windows 8 Internet Explorer 10 还有 quirksmode 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 23:17