

我在MacOS X Snow Leopard上使用PHP 5.3,CodeIgniter 2.0和HMVC Modular Extensions在本地开发。一切都一直很好。

I've been developing locally on MacOS X Snow Leopard using PHP 5.3, CodeIgniter 2.0 and HMVC Modular Extensions. Everything has been working great.


Suddenly, for no reason I can pinpoint, I am occasionally getting this error when trying to bring up a page:


The error doesn't occur at any specific place, it just seems to appear every 5-10 page loads or so. It usually goes away after a refresh, although sometimes I may need to refresh a couple of times.

之前有人遇到过此错误吗?它只是一些flakiness在我的Mac上的mySQL? (我也试图导出当前的数据库,并重新导入它在一个不同的名称,并分配该新的数据库,但问题仍然存在。我不知道一种方法来测试和修复在Mac上的MySQL数据库。)

Has anyone encountered this error before? Is it just some flakiness in mySQL on my Mac? (I also tried exporting the current DB and re-importing it under a different name and assigning that new DB, but the problem persists. I don't know of a way to test and "repair" a MySQL DB on a Mac.)





This is just an issue with your MySQL database. While I'm not sure what that issue is, HMVC has nothing to do with it.


The error comes from there as the loader is extended by HMVC, but no logic is changed. I'd fix up your database or install MAMP.


09-15 04:24