

我正在尝试使用我在中找到的脚本在Foundation 3中运行Orbit,但我不能让它正确初始化。我在页脚中添加了此脚本,在标题中添加了Foundation.min.js。我在我的控制台的第3行得到了一个no方法'基础'错误它不起作用。

I am trying to use a script I found in this question to run Orbit in Foundation 3, but I can not get it to initialize properly. I added this script in the footer and Foundation.min.js in the header. I get a no method 'foundation' error on line 3 in my console it doesn't work.


您链接的SO线程将不适用于您,因为它使用Foundation 4. Orbit在Foundation 3(F3)中初始化不同。所以假设你有一个id orbitX 的元素。你初始化它是这样的:

The script in that SO thread you linked to will not work for your because it uses Foundation 4. Orbit is initialized differetly in Foundation 3 (F3). So suppose you have an element with id orbitX. You initialize it like this:



In the other SO question you asked


You do it when you initialized your orbit element like this:

    bullets: false; // to hide the bullets


  animation: 'fade',                  // fade, horizontal-slide, vertical-slide, horizontal-push
  animationSpeed: 800,                // how fast animtions are
  timer: true,                        // true or false to have the timer
  resetTimerOnClick: false,           // true resets the timer instead of pausing slideshow progress
  advanceSpeed: 4000,                 // if timer is enabled, time between transitions
  pauseOnHover: false,                // if you hover pauses the slider
  startClockOnMouseOut: false,        // if clock should start on MouseOut
  startClockOnMouseOutAfter: 1000,    // how long after MouseOut should the timer start again
  directionalNav: true,               // manual advancing directional navs
  captions: true,                     // do you want captions?
  captionAnimation: 'fade',           // fade, slideOpen, none
  captionAnimationSpeed: 800,         // if so how quickly should they animate in
  bullets: false,                     // true or false to activate the bullet navigation
  bulletThumbs: false,                // thumbnails for the bullets
  bulletThumbLocation: '',            // location from this file where thumbs will be
  afterSlideChange: function(){},     // empty function
  fluid: true                         // or set a aspect ratio for content slides (ex: '4x3')


10-16 12:03