


I'm moving from a C# VS2008 world into the Mac world and I just wanted to know how I can create a quick little command line based application so that I can write many little Objective-C apps without worrying about creating an iPhone app or whatever.

我可以在Xcode中创建哪些项目?我可以在"Mac OS X"下看到命令行工具,但该类型的唯一选项是"C","C ++","Core Data","Core Foundation","Core Services"和"Foundation",但并不简单Objective-C项目?

Which projects do I create in Xcode? I can see the Command Line Tool under "Mac OS X" but the only options for the type is "C", "C++", "Core Data", "Core Foundation", "Core Services" and "Foundation" but no simple Objective-C project ?



基础"是您想要的. Foundation框架是Apple用于Objective-C的标准库",提供了所有基本类,如NSArray,NSString,NSNumber等.由于没有Foundation的普通" Objective-C对于大多数应用程序不是很有用,因此Apple可能选择以Foundation库命名其项目模板.

"Foundation" is the one you want. The Foundation framework is Apple's "standard library" for Objective-C that provides all the basic classes like NSArray, NSString, NSNumber, and much more. Since "plain" Objective-C without Foundation is not very useful for most applications, Apple probably chose to name its project template after the Foundation library.


10-10 10:03