


Let's assume I have the following simplified structure in AoSoA format to represent a vertex or point:

struct VertexData
    float px[4]; // position x
    float py[4]; // position y


That is, each instance of VertexData is storing 4 vertices. Almost all OpenGL examples I've seen use the traditional AoS layout, but that is not an option for me. I can't change the actual structures, and I would also like to avoid converting the data into AoS format before rendering.


So, is it possible to instruct OpenGL to read the vertex data when the data is organized this way, and if so, which GL functions should I look into? The problem as I see it, is to make OpenGL aware of the fact that VertexData.px[i] is paired with VertexData.py[i], and those two values should form a vertex/point.

说明1 :最后会有一个VertexData数组,例如:std::vector<VertexData>.这样,std::vector的大小将为total number of vertices / 4.

Clarification 1: In the end, there will be an array of VertexData, for example: std::vector<VertexData>. The size of the std::vector would then be total number of vertices / 4.

说明2 :AoSoA =数组结构的数组.

Clarification 2: AoSoA = Array of Structure of Arrays.


Update: See How do I draw vertices that are stored in a SSBO? for on how to draw vertices that are stored in a SSBO in AoSoA format.


OpenGL的顶点数组格式专为... 数组数据而设计.每个单独的数组/缓冲区绑定可以具有较大的步幅.但是这一步,从一个顶点的数据(针对该属性)到下一个顶点的距离,对于数组中的每个顶点都是相同的.这就是使它成为数组的原因.你的步伐不是恒定的.有时是4个字节,有时是16个字节.

OpenGL's vertex array formats are designed for... arrays of data. Each individual array/buffer binding can have a stride of substantial size. But that stride, the distance from one vertex's data (for that attribute) to the next, is the same for every vertex in the array; that's what makes it an array. Your stride is not constant. Sometimes, it is 4 bytes and sometimes it's 16.


So hardware-based vertex pulling isn't going to be helpful here.

有一个选项无论您做什么都可以使用:程序化顶点拉动.也就是说,完全忽略顶点属性数组.将您的顶点缓冲区"作为 SSBO 绑定到着色器,然后使用gl_VertexID提取所需的任何数据.在GLSL中看起来像这样:

There is one option that will work no matter what you do: programmatic vertex pulling. That is, ignore vertex attribute arrays altogether. Bind your "vertex buffers" as SSBOs to your shader, and use gl_VertexID to fetch whichever data you want. That would look something like this in GLSL:

struct Vertex4
    float px[4]; // position x
    float py[4]; // position y

layout(std430) readonly buffer VertexData
    Vertex4 vertices[];

void main()
  int dataIx = gl_VertexID / 4;
  int vertexIx = gl_VertexID % 4;
  vec2 my_position = vec2(vertices[dataIx].px[vertexIx], vertices[dataIx].py[vertexIx]);


This will be faster than any geometry shader based solution, since GS's basically kill performance.

如果您无权访问 SSBO ,因为您的硬件可以要处理它们,您可以改用缓冲区纹理.

If you don't have access to SSBOs, because your hardware can't handle them, you can use buffer textures instead.


08-20 09:50