

我有 3 种类型的用户:

I have 3 types of users:

  • 管理员
  • 供应商
  • 员工

每种用户类型将具有不同的用户界面并访问不同类型的数据.他们唯一的相似之处是他们使用的是一个 Web 应用程序,但他们访问的内容完全不同.是将它们全部放在一个用户表中(如 tbl_users)还是创建 tbl_admins、tbl_suppliers、tbl_employees 更好?

Each user type will have different user interface and access different types of data. Their only similarity is they are using one web application but they access totally different things. Is it better to put them all in one user table like tbl_users or is it better to create tbl_admins, tbl_suppliers, tbl_employees?



What you need to consider when designing tables is not necessarily what they'll have access to and how that is similar/dissimilar, but rather how the user levels themselves are similar/dissimilar.


For example, if the user types will have the same attributes (name, email, birthdate, etc), then they belong in one table together with a column indicating their privilege level.


This also facilitates changing privilege levels for a user, whereby you can make an ordinary Employee into an Admin, for example, by just updating the record in the user table.


If Suppliers are a different type of object with different attributes than the other two, Suppliers may belong in their own table.

或者,要考虑的另一件事是:您可以使用 users 表,该表仅包含有关所有三种类型的用户的非常有限的信息,并且这些类型是否具有不相关的扩展属性彼此之间,您可以将它们存储在其他表中,并使用外键返回主 users 表.

Or, one more thing to consider: You might use a users table that holds only very limited information about users of all three types, and if the types have extended attributes that don't relate well to one another, you can store those in other tables with a foreign key back to the main users table.


08-03 22:26