


As in this question, when a local variable not defined is used within its own assignment, it is evaluated to nil.

x = x # => nil


But when the name of a local variable conflicts with an existing method name, it is more tricky. Why does the last example below return nil?

{}.instance_eval{a = keys} # => []
{}.instance_eval{keys = self.keys} # => []
{}.instance_eval{keys = keys} # => nil



In Ruby, because methods can be called without an explicit receiver and without parentheses, there is a syntactic ambiguity between a local variable reference and a receiverless argumentless method call:


可以 表示没有参数的self上的调用方法foo"或取消引用局部变量foo".

could either mean "call method foo on self with no arguments" or "dereference local variable foo".


If there exists a local variable foo in scope, this is always interpreted as a local variable dereference, never as a method call.

那么,局部变量在范围内"是什么意思?这是在解析时间语法上 确定的,在运行时是 not 语义确定的.这个非常重要!局部变量是在解析时定义的:如果解析器看到了对局部变量的分配,则该局部变量将从此刻起进入作用域.但是,只有在运行时进行了初始化,没有对正在进行的代码进行编译时评估:

So, what does it mean for a local variable to "be in scope"? This is determined syntactically at parse time, not semantically at runtime. This is very important! Local variables are defined at parse time: if an assignment to a local variable is seen by the parser, the local variable is in scope from that point on. It is, however, only initialized at runtime, there is no compile time evaluation of code going on:

if false
  foo = 42 # from this point on, the local variable foo is in scope

foo # evaluates to nil, since it is declared but not initialized


Why does it make sense for local variables to "shadow" methods and not the way around? Well, if methods did shadow local variables, there would no longer be a way to dereference those local variables. However, if local variables shadow methods, then there is still a way to call those methods: remember, the ambiguity only exists for receiverless argumentless methods calls, if you add an explicit receiver or an explicit argument list, you can still call the method:

def bar; 'Hello from method' end; public :bar

bar # => 'Hello from method'

bar = 'You will never see this' if false

bar # => nil

bar = 'Hello from local variable'

bar      # => 'Hello from local variable'
bar()    # => 'Hello from method'
self.bar # => 'Hello from method'


09-03 09:35