





我无法将toolstripseperator插入mu contextmanustrip。


ToolStripMenuItem Option1 = new ToolStripMenuItem(Option 1);

ToolStripMenuItem Option2 = new ToolStripMenuItem(Option 2);

ToolStripMenuItem Option3 = new ToolStripMenuItem(Option 3);


NewContextMenuStrip.Items.AddRange( new ToolStripMenuItem [] {Option1,Option2,Option3});

我想在上面的option2之后找一个分隔符。我知道这不是很关键,但嘿,每一点点都很重要! :-D


Jason Bourne


Hi Everyone

First of all, I am writing code in C# after well ages.

If I am working along the wrong lines then please let me know.

I have a treeview for which I am creating contextmenustrip(s) for individual nodes depending on certain conditions (no problems there).

I am unable to insert a toolstripseperator for into mu contextmanustrip.

Can anyone throw me a lifeline?

Here is the code below

ContextMenuStrip NewContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip();
ToolStripMenuItem Option1 = new ToolStripMenuItem("Option 1");
ToolStripMenuItem Option2 = new ToolStripMenuItem("Option 2");
ToolStripMenuItem Option3 = new ToolStripMenuItem("Option 3");

For adding the toolstrip menu items I am using the following code

NewContextMenuStrip.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripMenuItem[]{Option1,Option2,Option3});

I want a a seperator after option2 above. I know that this is not very critical, but hey, every little bit counts! :-D

Thanks to all of you in advance!!

Jason Bourne



foreach (ToolStripMenuItem TSI in CollectionTSI) 

如果没有你看到它,就会发生隐式演员, Items 的每个对象正在将集合强制转换为 ToolStripMenuItem 并且显示分隔符对象显然失败。


there's an implicit cast happening without you seeing it, each object of the Items collection is being cast to a ToolStripMenuItem and casting the separator object obviously fails.

One way around this is to do the cast yourself using the as operator to check for invalid casts:

void contextMenuStrip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ContextMenuStrip menu = sender as ContextMenuStrip;
    if (menu == null)

    foreach (ToolStripItem item in menu.Items)
        ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = item as ToolStripMenuItem;
        if (menuItem == null)

        // do whatever

在这个 foreach 循环中,枚举<$ c中的元素时不会进行强制转换$ c> Items ,但循环体的第一件事就是进行安全转换,看看每个 ToolStripItem 是否真的是 MenuItem

In this foreach loop no casting is done when enumerating over the elements in Items, but the first thing the body of the loop does is do a safe cast to see if each ToolStripItem is really a MenuItem.

contextMenuStrip.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] {
    new ToolStripMenuItem("Item 1"),
    new ToolStripSeparator(),
    new ToolStripMenuItem("Item 2") });


Alternatively you could just call Add a bunch of times with different kinds of items each time:

contextMenuStrip.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Item 1"));
contextMenuStrip.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
contextMenuStrip.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Item 2"));

ToolStripSeparator Separator1;
Separator1 = new ToolStripSeparator();
Separator1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(97, 6);


than just add your separator to the menu strip:

this.contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem[] {this.Separator1});


and your good to go!


09-13 10:57