


One of the prime characteristics of Mathematica is that it can deal with many things symbolically. But if you come to think about it, many of the symbolic features are actually only halfway symbolic.

以矢量为例.我们可以有一个像{x,y,z}这样的符号向量,用一个充满符号的矩阵进行矩阵乘法,最后得到一个符号结果,因此我们可以考虑那个符号向量代数.但是我们都知道,开箱即用,Mathematica不允许您说符号 x 是矢量,并且给定了矩阵 A A . x 也是一个向量.那是更高的抽象层次,而Mathematica(目前)还没有很好地处理这一层次.

Take vectors for instance. We can have a symbolic vector like {x,y,z}, do a matrix multiplication with a matrix full of symbols and end up with a symbolic result and so we might consider that symbolic vector algebra. But we all know that, right out of the box, Mathematica does not allow you to say that a symbol x is a vector and that given a matrix A, A . x is a vector too. That's a higher level of abstraction, one that Mathematica (currently) does not very well deal with.

同样,Mathematica知道如何找到仅用符号定义的函数的五阶导数,但它不适用于寻找 r 导数(请参见"当r在Mathematica中是符号时,如何找到函数的rth导数?问题).

Similarly, Mathematica knows how to find the 5th derivative of a function that's defined in terms of nothing than symbols, but it's not well geared towards finding the r th derivative (see the "How to find a function's rth derivative when r is symbolic in Mathematica?" question).


Furthermore, Mathematica has extensive Boolean algebra capabilities, some stone age old, but many recently obtained in version 7. In version 8 we got Probability and friends (such as Conditioned) which allows us to reason with probabilities of random variables with given distributions. It's a really magnificent addition which helps me a lot in familiarizing myself with this domain, and I enjoy working with it tremendously. However,...


I was discussing with a colleague certain rules of probabilistic logic like the familiar

即给定事件/状态/结果 A 的事件/状态/结果 C 的条件概率为真.

i.e., the conditional probability of event/state/outcome C given event/state/outcome A is true.


Specifically, we were looking at this one:


and although I had spoken highly about Mathematica's Probability just before I realized that I wouldn't know how to solve this right away with Mathematica. Again, just as with abstract vectors and matrices, and symbolic derivatives, this seems to be an abstraction level too high. Or is it? My question is:


Could you find a way to find the truth or falsehood in the above and similar equations using a Mathematica program?


>> Mathematica不允许您说符号x是矢量


Sure it does... Close enough anyway... that it's a collection of Reals. It's called assumptions or conditioning, depending on what you want to do.



The above doesn't refine because it assumes X and Y can be any symbol, but if you narrow their scope, you get results:

Assuming[ x > 0 && y > 0, Refine[Sqrt[x]*Sqrt[y]]]

很高兴能够说:Element[x,Reals^2](二维实向量),也许在Mathematica 9中.:-)

It would be very nice to have the ability to say: Element[x,Reals^2] (2-dimensional real vector), maybe in Mathematica 9. :-)


As for this problem:


请参阅我对这个问题的答案(第一个),以了解贝叶斯定理的一种符号方法: https://stackoverflow.com/问题/8378336/如何在数学中解决条件概率是可能的

Please refer to my answer (first one) on this question to see a symbolic approach to Bayes theorem: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8378336/how-do-you-work-out-conditional-probabilities-in-mathematica-is-it-possible


10-13 01:58