


Apple testers have been rejected our app due violating of guideline:


既然我们已经存储在我们的数据库文件,而 NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey 标志 - 它在iCloud的备份 - 并导致拒绝

Since we have stored our database files without the NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey flag - it was backed up in the iCloud - and caused the reject.

所以,我们添加了 NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey 标志对我们的文件,并减少存储在iCloud中的数据量。

So, we added the NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey flag to our files, and it decreased the amount of data stored in the iCloud.

但是 - 我们意识到,也NSUserDefaults的发生在iCloud中的空间量。
我们使用 [NSUserDefaults的standardUserDefaults] ,我们不拥有它的控制权。

BUT - we realized that NSUserDefaults also takes some amount of space in the iCloud.We are using [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] and we don't have much control of it.

如果我们去的 &设备 - GT;设置 - > iCloud->储存 的&安培;的 备份 - >管理存储 的,我们可以看到,我们的应用程序仍然需要,因为使用的NSUserDefaults的在iCloud中的数据的0.5 kb的。
(在code NSUserDefaults的去除的用途将其降低到0 - 无数据)

If we go to device->settings->iCloud->Storage & BackUP->Manage Storage, we can see that our app still takes 0.5 kb of data in the iCloud, because of using NSUserDefaults.(removing the uses of NSUserDefaults in the code will decrease it to 0 - no data)




You can use any amount of data in NSUserDefaults in your app and you will not get rejected. I'm not sure what the max data is for it, but I don't recall Apple specifying a limit. There is however a limit to the iCloud defaults settings. You can back up your NSUserDefaults to iCloud, but there is a strict 1Mb limit for data saved there. So be mindful of how large your data gets when saved there.


10-15 14:07