本文介绍了从 codeigniter 中的 where_in 中删除单引号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在研究 search 功能.我创建了一个搜索表单,用户可以在其中根据 Type,ope & 搜索应用程序.格式化.

我在我的 join 查询中使用了 subquery 以获得所需的结果.我已经在 MySQL Workbench 中测试了我的查询,并且它工作正常.

但是当我使用查询构建器技术在 Codeigniter 中尝试相同的查询时,我遇到了一个问题.


SELECT (*)从`应用程序`左加入`App_type`ON `App_type`.`app_id` = `App`.`id`左加入`App_formate`ON `App_formate`.`app_id` = `App`.`id`WHERE `App`.`id` IN(select app_id FROM App_type WHERE type_id in (3,2,6) group by app_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 3)AND `App_formate`.`formate_id` IN('1', '3')AND `jobs`.`ope_min` <='3'AND `jobs`.`ope_max` >='3'GROUP BY `jobs`.`id`;


$subquery = "select app_id FROM App_type WHERE type_id in ($selected_type) group by app_id HAVING COUNT(*) = $type_count";$search_app_query = $this->db-> 选择('*')-> from('应用程序')->join('App_type', 'App_type.app_id = App.id', '左外')->join('App_formate', 'App_formate.app_id = App.id', '左外')->where_in('App.id',$subquery)//<-- 问题来了->where_in('App_format.format_id',$data['selected_formates'])->where('App.ope_min <=',$data['ope_value'])->where('App.ope_max >=',$data['ope_value'])->group_by("App.id", "desc")->get();


 我发现问题出在查询的这一部分:"WHERE `App`.`id` IN('选择 app_id发件人 App_typeWHERE type_id in (3,2,6)按 app_id 分组 HAVING COUNT(*) = 3')"




  1. REPLACE($subquery, '''', '')
  2. ->where_in('App.id',trim($subquery,"'"))
  3. $subquery_improved = substr($subquery, 1, -1);


注意:我知道 $this->db->query() 但不想使用它.




->where_in('App.id',$subquery)//<-- 问题来了


->where("App.id IN (".$subquery.")",NULL, false)

您可以在 Codeigniter 文档中找到此确切信息 此处(第 4 点和以下部分).

I am working on a search functionality.I have created a search form in which user can search an Application based on Type,ope & Formate.

I have used a subquery in my join query to get the desired result. I have tested my query in MySQL Workbench nad it's working fine.

But when I tried that same query in Codeigniter using query builder technique then I am facing a problem.

Here is the query which is worked fine in workbench:

FROM `App`
LEFT JOIN `App_type` 
ON `App_type`.`app_id` = `App`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `App_formate` 
ON `App_formate`.`app_id` = `App`.`id`
WHERE `App`.`id` IN(select app_id FROM App_type WHERE type_id in (3,2,6) group by app_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 3)
AND `App_formate`.`formate_id` IN('1', '3')
AND `jobs`.`ope_min` <= '3'
AND `jobs`.`ope_max` >= '3'
GROUP BY `jobs`.`id`;

This is the join query which I use:

$subquery = "select app_id FROM App_type WHERE type_id in ($selected_type) group by app_id HAVING COUNT(*) = $type_count";

$search_app_query = $this->db
    ->join('App_type', 'App_type.app_id = App.id', 'left outer')
    ->join('App_formate', 'App_formate.app_id = App.id', 'left outer')      
    ->where_in('App.id',$subquery)  //<-- Here is the problem
    ->where('App.ope_min <=',$data['ope_value'])
    ->where('App.ope_max >=',$data['ope_value'])    
    ->group_by("App.id", "desc")

While I am debugging this problem it shows the

 I have found the problem is in this part of the query:
 "WHERE `App`.`id` IN('select app_id 
 FROM App_type 
 WHERE type_id in (3,2,6) 
 group by app_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 3')"

that single quote in this subquery is creating a problem.

What I have tried so far:

To remove this single quote I have tried

  1. REPLACE($subquery, '''', '')
  2. ->where_in('App.id',trim($subquery,"'"))
  3. $subquery_improved = substr($subquery, 1, -1);

But all this solution is not working. They are not removing the single quote.

Note: I am aware of $this->db->query() but do not want to use that.


Your task looks pretty simple

instead of

->where_in('App.id',$subquery)  //<-- Here is the problem

you can try the following

->where("App.id IN (".$subquery.")",NULL, false)

这篇关于从 codeigniter 中的 where_in 中删除单引号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 00:54