不确定如何使用带有美味馅饼的 distance_lte 空间过滤器.我可以使用 contains 空间过滤器,但我无法弄清楚 distance_lte 过滤器的格式.
Not sure how to use distance_lte spatial filters with tasty-pie. I can use the contains spatial filter i am unable to figure out the format for the distance_lte filter.
http://www.domain.com/myapp/api/v1/location/?format=json&coord__distance_lte={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [153.09537, -27.52618]},D(m=5)
返回{"error": "提供的资源查找数据无效(类型不匹配)."}
这是因为 Tastypie 错误地使用 querysets query.query_terms 属性寻找有效过滤器
This is because Tastypie erroneously looks for valid filters using the querysets query.query_terms attributes
It won't contain 'distance', and as a result you get the error.
除了包含之外,TastyPie 在这些 GIS 搜索中几乎没有任何功能(至少没有添加您自己的特殊调味料.)
Except for contains, TastyPie is mostly non-functional with these GIS searches (at least without adding in your own special sauce.)
例如,您可以通过覆盖 build_filters 并将距离"添加到有效过滤器集来使距离起作用:
You could make distance work, for example, by overriding build_filters and adding 'distance' to the valid set of filters:
def build_filters(self, filters=None):
Add in some filters so spatial queries will work.
return super(MyResource, self).build_filters(filters)
之后文档开始变得正确,关于您如何将 WKT 和/或 GeoJSON 作为获取参数传递.
After which the documentation starts to become correct in regard to how you pass in WKT and/or GeoJSON as get parameters.
这篇关于使用 Tastypie 进行距离空间查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!