我不明白,为什么C#结束了在以下LINQPad code执行一个不正确的扩展方法:
I don't understand why C# ends up executing an incorrect extension method in the following LINQPad code:
void Main()
// Actual: Sync Action
"Expected: Sync Action".Run(x => { x.Dump(); });
// Actual: Async Task
"Expected: Async Task".Run(async x => { await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => x.Dump()); });
// Actual: Async Task!!
"Expected: Sync Action".Run(x => { throw new Exception("Meh"); });
static class Extensions
public static void Run<T>(this T instance, Action<T> action)
"Actual: Sync Action".Dump();
public static void Run<T>(this T instance, Func<T, System.Threading.Tasks.Task> func)
"Actual: Async Task".Dump();
Can someone help me understand why does the compiler think that the lambda returns a Task here?
I expected to see "Actual: Sync Action" in the third call to Run() since nothing in the lambda indicates that this is a Func returning Task.
这是一个简单的重载问题。显然,在lambda X =&GT; {抛出新的异常(咩); }
可以转换到任何一个动作&LT; T&GT;
或一个 Func键&LT; T,SomeNonVoidType&GT;
(以及许多其它代表类型无关这个问题)。它只是说美元的这种字母p $ PFER后者C#的重载决策规则。
This is simply an overload resolution issue. Clearly, the lambda x => { throw new Exception("Meh"); }
can be converted to either an Action<T>
or to a Func<T, SomeNonVoidType>
(as well as to many other delegate types irrelevant to this question). It's simply C#'s overload resolution rules that prefer the latter in this case.
Here's a more representative example:
void Main()
// Output: Func<T, int>
"Test".WhatsThis(x => { throw new Exception("Meh"); });
static class Extensions
public static void WhatsThis<T>(this T dummy, Action<T> action)
public static void WhatsThis<T>(this T dummy, Func<T, int> func)
"Func<T, int>".Dump();
As for why this is the case, I'm not 100% sure, but a casual look at the spec shows me the below likely explanation (emphasis mine):
[...]从EX pression更好的转换 Better conversion from expression
由于一个隐式转换C1,它把来自一名前pression E至一个类型T1和隐式转换C2,它把来自一名前pression E至一个类型T2,C1是一个比C2更好的转换如果发生以下中的至少一个成立:
Given an implicit conversion C1 that converts from an expression E to a type T1, and an implicit conversion C2 that converts from an expression E to a type T2, C1 is a better conversion than C2 if at least one of the following holds:
•E为匿名函数,T1或者是委托类型D1或前pression树型 防爆pression&LT; D1&GT;
,T2要么是委托类型D2或前pression树 键入防爆pression&LT; D2&GT;
• E is an anonymous function, T1 is either a delegate type D1 or an expression tree type Expression<D1>
, T2 is either a delegate type D2 or an expression tree type Expression<D2>
and one of the following holds:
这篇关于X =&gt;将&QUOT Lamdba; {抛出..}&QUOT;推断的匹配函数功能&LT; T,任务&GT;在重载的方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!