







img = Image.open('greyscale_intense.png')。convert('L')#convert image to 8-bit grayscale
WIDTH,HEIGHT = img.size

a = list(img.getdata())#将图像数据转换为整数列表
a = np.array([a [偏移:偏移+宽度]表示ra中的偏移量nge(0,WIDTH * HEIGHT,WIDTH)])

print来自图像的初始数组:#print as array

rows_mask = np.insert(np.diff(a [:,0])。astype(np.bool),0,True)
columns_mask = np.insert(np .diff(a [0])。astype(np.bool),0,True)
b = a [np.ix_(rows_mask,columns_mask)]

print来自Image的子阵列:#print as array
print b

print来自Image的子阵列(更清晰的格式):#print as array
for b中的行:#print作为格式化的表格
print(''。join('{: 3}'。格式(值)行中的值))

img = Image.fromarray(b,mode ='L')












 转换CwinB.png \(+克隆-roll + 0 + 1 \)-compose difference -composite -normalize v.png 

现在将两者结合起来并取出哪个r image在每个像素处较亮:

  convert [vh] .png -compose lighten -composite z.png 


I've got this image which is massive but 1 square represents a number of pixel values but I want an image that has only 1 pixel with a particular value. The squares are not all the same size.

Some of the columns are narrower and some are wider. This is the example which is part of the big image:

As you can see the squares on the left hand side is bigger than the one on the right handside. That's the problem!

Actual image:

For example, using the code below, when I try to convert my image to a smaller pixel by pixel one, I get this, which is completely different to the initial picture.

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

img = Image.open('greyscale_intense.png').convert('L')  # convert image to 8-bit grayscale
WIDTH, HEIGHT = img.size

a = list(img.getdata()) # convert image data to a list of integers
# convert that to 2D list (list of lists of integers)
a = np.array ([a[offset:offset+WIDTH] for offset in range(0, WIDTH*HEIGHT, WIDTH)])

print " "
print "Intial array from image:"  #print as array
print " "
print a

rows_mask = np.insert(np.diff(a[:, 0]).astype(np.bool), 0, True)
columns_mask = np.insert(np.diff(a[0]).astype(np.bool), 0, True)
b = a[np.ix_(rows_mask, columns_mask)]

print " "
print "Subarray from Image:"  #print as array
print " "
print b

print " "
print "Subarray from Image (clearer format):"  #print as array
print " "
for row in b: #print as a table like format
    print(' '.join('{:3}'.format(value) for value in row))

img = Image.fromarray(b, mode='L')


What I've done in the code is create an array from the initial image and then by ignoring an repeated values, create a subarray that has no repeated values. The new image was constructed using that.

For example for this image:

The result I get is:

As you can see from the array 38 is repeated 9 times while 27 is repeated 8 times...

My final aim is to do the same process for a coloured RGB image as shown here.

Please help!


I don't feel like writing the code, but you could either:

a) "roll" (see here) the image one pixel to the right and difference (subtract) the rolled image from the original and then use np.where to find all pixels greater than zero as those are the "edges" where your "squares" end, i.e. where a pixel is different from its neighbour. Then find columns where any element is nonzero and use those as the indices to get values from your original image. Then roll the image down one pixel and find the horizontal rows of interest, and repeat as above but for the horizontal "edges".


b) convolve the image with a differencing kernel that replaces each pixel with the difference between it and its neighbour to the right and then proceed as above. The kernel for difference between self and neighbour to the right would be:

0  0  0
0 -1  1
0  0  0

While the difference between self and neighbour below would be:

0  0  0
0 -1  0
0  1  0

The Pillow documentation for creating kernels and applying them is here.

I'll illustrate what I mean with ImageMagick at the command line. First, I clone your image, and in the copy I roll the image to the right by one pixel, then I difference the result of rolling with the original image and make a new output image - normalised for greater contrast.

convert CwinB.png \( +clone -roll +1 \) -compose difference -composite -normalize h.png

Now I do the same again, but roll the image vertically by one pixel:

convert CwinB.png \( +clone -roll +0+1 \) -compose difference -composite -normalize v.png

Now combine both of those and take whichever image is the lighter at each pixel:

convert [vh].png -compose lighten -composite z.png

Hopefully you can see it finds the edges of your squares and you can now choose any row, or column that is entirely black to find your original pixels.


09-05 14:30