

使用 window.open 打开的页面是否可以由跨域打开程序检查其自身?(这是在内部应用程序中使用的,因此安全性不是一个大问题.)如果是这样,怎么做?我尝试替换所有我能找到的CORS和Same-Origin策略,但在子窗口的所有属性上仍然得到 Access Denied .

Is it possible for a page opened with window.open to allow itself to be examined by a cross-origin opener? (This is for use in internal applications, so security is not a significant concern.) And if so, how? I've tried replacing all of the CORS and Same-Origin policies I can find and I still get Access Denied on all properties for a child window.

特别是我正在尝试使用 Internet Explorer 11

In particular I am trying to use Internet Explorer 11



Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://web1.corp.local
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Cache-Control,Content-Language,Content-Type,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma
Access-Control-Expose-Methods: GET,POST,OPTION,PUT,DELETE,HEAD
X-Content-Security-Policy: default-src *;script-src *
Content-Security-Policy: default-src *;script-src *
X-XSS-Protection: 0
X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: all


我希望 web1.corp.local web2.corp.local 的页面上执行一些JavaScript.我控制两个域;我只是通过某种方式让 web2 告诉浏览器可以让 web1 读取并执行 web2 上的内容.

I want web1.corp.local to execute some JavaScript on a page on web2.corp.local. I control both domains; I just some way for web2 to tell the browser its okay for web1 to read and execute things on web2.



I'm trying to call javascript functions on the opened window from the opener.

document.domain = "corp.local";
var web2 = window.open('http://web2.corp.local');
web2.document; //Throw "Access Denied"
web2.MyApp; // undefined


document.domain = "corp.local";
var myapp = window.MyApp = {
    doWork: function() {
        alert('Hello World!');

注意:我有一个使用iframe代理和 window.postMessage 的解决方案,但是在 web2 上托管的应用无法正常运行在iframe中.

Note: I have a solution using an iframe proxy and window.postMessage but the app hosted on web2 doesn't work correctly from within an iframe.

更新:问题是两个页面未使用 document.domain ,并且我在打开的窗口中未找到异常.

Update: The issue was the two pages were not using the document.domain and I missed the exception on the opened window.


问题出在document.domain.第二个站点与第一个站点不在同一域中.更改web1的FQDN并使用 document.domain = corp.local 后,问题就解决了.

The issue was the document.domain. The second site was not in the same domain as the first. As soon as I changed the FQDN of web1 and used document.domain = corp.local the problem was solved.

我错过了 document.domain 上的一个javascript文件引发的异常.

I missed the exception being thrown by one of the javascript files on document.domain.


09-05 12:54