Imagine you have two sets of data and the number of rows and columns are the same. Now you want check if data in cells in one set is equal to data in cells with the same relative address in the other set. If thats true for all cells of a row, remove the row from both sets. I can code this very easily by comparing each cell and that's not good for large data sets. See code below for two columns where the two sets of data happen to be in the same sheet side by side with 300 in column offset between them.
Dim RngOb As Range
Dim c As Range
Range("A1", "B1").Select
set RngOb = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))
For Each c In RngOb.Rows
If c.Cells(1,1).Value = c.Offset(0, 300).Cells(1,1).Value Then
If c.Cells(1,2).Value = c.Offset(0, 300).Cells(1,2).Value Then
End If
End If
我的实际数据有超过100列和每天不同的列数。我正在寻找一个聪明,快速的方式来做这个大数据集。我高度评价答案,反馈和批评。 :D
My actual data has more than 100 columns and different number of columns from day to day. I'm looking for a smart, fast way to do this for large data sets. I highly appriciate answers, feedback and criticism. :D
Here is a simple way to compare two rows in isomorphic ranges.............in this example row #5 of each range:
Sub RowCompare()
Dim ary1() As Variant
Dim Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range, rr1 As Range, rr2 As Range
Set Range1 = Range("B9:F20")
Set Range2 = Range("I16:M27")
Set rr1 = Range1.Rows(5)
Set rr2 = Range2.Rows(5)
ary1 = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rr1))
ary2 = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rr2))
st1 = Join(ary1, ",")
st2 = Join(ary2, ",")
If st1 = st2 Then
MsgBox "the same"
MsgBox "different"
End If
End Sub
如果在单元格中嵌入了逗号,则在 JOIN
If you have embedded commas in the cells, then choose another character in the JOIN
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