


I am going through some walkthroughs fpr Objective-C and I got to many places where I raised my eyebrows. I would love to get them down.

  1. 消息发送和方法调用是否有根本区别?使用Objective-C可以做到这两者:object.message产生与[object message]相同的结果.我认为也许不能使用点运算符策略来创建嵌套消息?

  1. Is there a fundamental difference in message sending and method calling? Objective-C lets me do both: object.message yields the same result as [object message]. I think maybe nested messages cannot be created using the dot operator strategy?


I created an NSArray object, now I am about to print results for this using an NSEnumerator:

id myObject = [object objectEnumerator];

在while循环中迭代并打印结果. myObject type id,这意味着它是在运行时解析的,而不是在编译时解析的.我很清楚地知道我的NSArray中存储了哪些对象(它们是NSString),因此通过将myObject的类型更改为NSString * myObject,效果很好.但是,我进行了实验,发现myObject可以是任何类型,可以是NSStringNSArrayNSEnumerator,并且任何这些都可以正常工作,完美地迭代NSArray对象并产生相同的结果结果.这是怎么回事?

in a while loop iterating and printing results. The type of myObject is id, which means it's resolved at runtime and not compile time. I know very clearly what kind of objects are stored in my NSArray—they are NSStrings—so by changing the type of myObject toNSString * myObject, it works just fine. However, I experimented and found out that myObject can be of any type, be it NSString or NSArray or NSEnumerator, and any of these work just fine, perfectly iterating the NSArray object and yielding the same results.What's up with that?



I'm not sure what kind of distinction you're trying to make between "message sending" and "method calling", since they're two ways of describing the same thing. The dot syntax is just a shortcut for calling getters and setters, that is:

[foo length]


[foo setLength:5]
foo.length = 5


You should generally only use the dot syntax when you're using getters and setters; use the square bracket syntax for all of your other method calls.


For your second question: this is how dynamic typing works. Any type declarations you put in your code are hints to the compiler; your Objective-C method calls will always work as long as the objects respond to them.


08-19 14:20