


I have been trying to add Data items for my combobox in the DialogWindow of my mfc project, at design time by setting strings delimited by semi-colons for the Data property of this combobox.


But it just shows empty combobox at runtime. I tried using AddString() method of this combobox manually in the OnInitDialog() event of the DialogBox too. But that was also not working.

试图再次创建一个演示项目,当我添加组合框并将值a;b放在其Data属性中时,它就会显示出来.但是在我的项目上尝试了同样的方法,它仍然在新的组合框中显示空列表!试图比较两个项目的代码,例如头文件和初始化的代码等.发现两者是相同的.除了按钮中的一些事件声明和项目中的自定义c ++代码外,其余代码与新创建的演示项目中的代码相同!

Tried creating a demo project again and when I added the combobox and put the value a;b in the Data property of it, it is showing up. But tried the same on my project and it is still showing the empty list in the new combobox! Tried to compare both project's code, like the header files and initialization's etc. Found that both are same. Other than some event declaration for the buttons and my custom c++ code in my project, the rest of the code is same as that of the newly created demo project!

为什么在我的项目中此组合框显示了一个空项目列表? :(

Why in my project this combobox is showing an empty list of items? :(

仅注意到项目已在列表中.但是下拉菜单的高度很小,因此阻止了实际物品的显示! :(

Just noticed that the items are already in the list. But the dropdown is of small height and thus preventing the actual items from showing up! :(

试图增加组合框的大小,但是我无法在属性窗口"中找到任何属性,并且拖动组合框的角也不会增加组合框的高度! :(

Tried to look increasing the size of the combobox, but I couldn't find any property in the Property Window and dragging the corners of th combobox doesn't increases the height either! :(



Increase the size of the dropdown list like this, in the design window:


Click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox (highlighted in yellow on first pic). Then click and drag the bottom mid resize marker to increase the height (highlighted in the second pic).


This will increase the size of the dropdown list.


Otherwise when we try to click on the resize markers to increase the height, it would be disabled. So make sure you click on the arrow on the right side of the combobox first.


08-07 02:27