


I need to insert data to a given external table which should be partitioned by the inserted date.My question is how is Hive handling the timestamp generation? When I select a timestamp for all inserted records like this:

WITH delta_insert AS (
        SELECT trg.*, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()) AS generic_timestamp
        FROM target_table trg
FROM delta_insert;


Will the timestamp always be identical for all records, even if the query takes a lot of time to un?


Or should I alternatively only select an actual timestamp and join it with everything that is selected afterwards?

WITH insert_timestamp AS (
    SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()) AS insert_timestamp
delta_insert AS (
        SELECT trg.*, insert_timestamp.insert_timestamp
        FROM target_table trg, insert_timestamp
FROM delta_insert;


Since it's not recommended to do cross joins in Hive, I wonder what would be the best approach, since I don't have enough test data to simulate long running queries to be sure they get inserted within the same partition of a delta load.


否,使用unix_timestamp()生成的时间戳记对于所有记录都不总是相同的.此函数是不确定性的,会阻止查询的适当优化-自2.0版以来已弃用此函数,而推荐使用CURRENT_TIMESTAMP常量(对于查询仅计算一次).查看此文档:日期函数这不适用于带有参数的 unix_timestamp(字符串日期). unix_timestamp(字符串日期)函数是确定性的.

No, the timestamp generated using unix_timestamp() WILL NOT always be identical for all records. This function is non-deterministic and prevents proper optimization of queries - this has been deprecated since 2.0 in favour of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP constant (calculated only one time for the query). See this docs: Date functionsThis not applies to unix_timestamp(string date) with argument. unix_timestamp(string date) function is deterministic.

current_timestamp 返回查询评估开始时的当前时间戳(自Hive 1.2.0起).同一查询中对current_timestamp的所有调用均返回相同的值.如果需要日期,请使用 current_date 函数.

current_timestamp returns the current timestamp at the start of query evaluation (as of Hive 1.2.0). All calls of current_timestamp within the same query return the same value.If you need date, use current_date function.


08-04 16:09