

我是新来的Azure,以及有关Blob存储有点困惑。我有一个需要客户端通过FTP / SFTP访问推拉文件(XML,CSV,EDI等)。推入文件由.NET应用程序读入并写入到数据库中。据我了解,我们将使用VM角色创建FTP / SFTP服务器,辅助角色来执行.NET code,SQL存储在数据库和BLOB存储的文件。

I'm new to Azure, and a little confused about blob storage. I have a need for clients to access via FTP / SFTP to push and pull files (XML, CSV, EDI, etc). The pushed files are read in by a .net application and written to a database. As I understand, we would use a VM role to create a FTP / SFTP server, a worker role to execute the .net code, SQL Storage for the DB and Blob storage for the files.


Am I correct in this assumption first, and second can a VM role attach a storage blob for writing and reading files and can a worker role attach to the same storage blob to read and write files as well.


客户端通过FTP推xml文件的虚拟机。 VM XML文件写入到存储。辅助角色读取文件,处理它,并为DB写入内容。

client pushed xml file to VM via FTP. VM writes XML file to storage. Worker role reads file, processes it and writes contents to db.


Is my thinking correct or am I missing the boat?



由于Azure的有一系列的服务让您有几种选择。要记住与Azure的一个重要的事情是,您的辅助角色,它仅仅是在Windows Server 2008没有安装IIS,非常灵活,有很多,你可以与他们无关 - 这包括编写自己的FTP服务器,并能够通过辅助角色的虚拟机来承载它。该(上codePLEX)解决方案是这样的一个例子。

Given Azure has an array of services so you have a few options. One important thing to keep in mind with Azure is that your worker roles, which are simply Windows Server 2008 without IIS installed, are very flexible so there is a lot you can do with them – this includes writing your own FTP server and being able to host it via a worker role VMs. The FTP to Azure Blob Storage Bridge (on CodePlex) solution is an example of this.

另外,你可以使用 Web角色(这是一样的辅助角色,但启用IIS)做相同的 - 因此而不是滚动您自己的FTP服务器可以使用IIS 。 运行可以在ITQ找到。

In addition, you could use a web role (which is the same as a worker role but with IIS enabled) to do the same - so rather than rolling your own FTP server you can use IIS. A visual guide to setting IIS up to run as an FTP server in Azure can be found on ITQ.I’d recommend doing some further reading to determine which is the better option of the two. Also have a think about you requirements as this may influence your approach, i.e. scaling, bandwidth, costs, your preferred deployment model etc.

至于存储文件的推移,你当然可以使用Blob存储。如果你不需要一个关系数据库系统,那么你可以跳过使用SQL Azure的完全(在这种情况下,上面提到的Web角色的解决方案不会有太大的使用) - 但再次证明归结到你的特殊要求。

As far as storing the files goes you can certainly use Blob Storage. If you have no need for a relational database in your system then you could skip using SQL Azure altogether (in which case the web role solution referenced above won’t be of much use) – but again that comes down to your particular requirements.

href=\"http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/documentation/\" rel=\"nofollow\">官方的Windows Azure网站的

The official Windows Azure website is a good source of knowledge, especially if you’re getting started, so do take the time to look through some of the pertinent documentation.


08-03 22:50