


What is the actual difference between LR, SLR, and LALR parsers? I know that SLR and LALR are types of LR parsers, but what is the actual difference as far as their parsing tables are concerned?

如何显示语法是否LR,SLR或LALR?对于LL语法,我们只需要显示解析表的任何单元格都不应该包含多个生产规则。 LALR,SLR和LR的任何类似规则?

And how to show whether a grammar is LR, SLR, or LALR? For an LL grammar we just have to show that any cell of the parsing table should not contain multiple production rules. Any similar rules for LALR, SLR, and LR?


For example, how can we show that the grammar

S --> Aa | bAc | dc | bda
A --> d


is LALR(1) but not SLR(1)?

EDIT(ybungalobill):我没有得到满意的答案,LALR和LR之间的区别。因此,LALR的表的大小较小,但它只能识别LR语法的一个子集。有人可以详细说明LALR和LR之间的区别吗? LALR(1)和LR(1)将足以得到答案。两者都使用1个令牌先行和都是表驱动!它们是如何不同的?

EDIT (ybungalobill): I didn't get a satisfactory answer for what's the difference between LALR and LR. So LALR's tables are smaller in size but it can recognize only a subset of LR grammars. Can someone elaborate more on the difference between LALR and LR please? LALR(1) and LR(1) will be sufficient for an answer. Both of them use 1 token look-ahead and both are table driven! How they are different?



LALR parsers merge similar states within an LR grammar to produce parser state tables that are exactly the same size as the equivalent SLR grammar, which are usually an order of magnitude smaller than pure LR parsing tables. However, for LR grammars that are too complex to be LALR, these merged states result in parser conflicts, or produce a parser that does not fully recognize the original LR grammar.


BTW, I mention a few things about this in my MLR(k) parsing table algorithm here.



The short answer is that the LALR parsing tables are smaller, but the parser machinery is the same. A given LALR grammar will produce much larger parsing tables if all of the LR states are generated, with a lot of redundant (near-identical) states.


The LALR tables are smaller because the similar (redundant) states are merged together, effectively throwing away context/lookahead info that the separate states encode. The advantage is that you get much smaller parsing tables for the same grammar.


The drawback is that not all LR grammars can be encoded as LALR tables because more complex grammars have more complicated lookaheads, resulting in two or more states instead of a single merged state.


The main difference is that the algorithm to produce LR tables carries more info around between the transitions from state to state while the LALR algorithm does not. So the LALR algorithm cannot tell if a given merged state should really be left as two or more separate states.


08-03 17:49