


I'm trying to pass digest auth on my ip cameraI do it on Flutter but actually it doesn't matter.I got http response from camera with status code 401 Not Authorizedand Headers:

{content-type: text/html, pragma: no-cache, cache-control: no-cache, www-authenticate: Digest
realm="goAhead", domain=":13237",qop="auth", nonce="a98326cc6022c2a2b7cc7e57a5956f77",
opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41",algorithm="MD5", stale="FALSE", date: Thu Dec 26 16:31:43
2019, server: GoAhead-Webs}


from this source here I've found the needed Response constructor view like this:

var mResponse = "Digest username=\"$username\", realm=\"$realm\", nonce=\"$nonce\", uri=\"$uri\",
                response=\"$_response\", cnonce=\"$cnonce\", nc=$nc, qop=\"$qop\"";


Digest username="admin", realm="goAhead", nonce="a98326cc6022c2a2b7cc7e57a5956f77",
uri="/onvif/device_service", response="5313fe5265efcd3da37cec322d92ebd7", cnonce="1234567890",
nc=00000001, qop="auth"


and send http request to camera:

Future<http.Response> new_response = http.post(snapshotUrl, headers: {"Content-Type":"text/xml; charset=utf-8", "Authorization": mResponse }, body: mGetSnapshotUriAuth);


[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(157)] Unhandled Exception: Invalid header field name


When I remove "Authorization" field of headers, camera response with 401 code.I'm trying to get snapshot from ip camera works on Onvif protocol. I am not sure in Uri parameter.The same error when I try send this http request via http Client on desktop machine screenshot

问题2 : 当我尝试将uri param更改为其他内容时,例如:

Question 2: When I try to change uri param to something else e.g:

String uri = http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl/GetSnapshotUri";

我的相机停止回复我.当我开始使用Http嗅探器或更改Digest响应的字段名称时,可以看到相同的行为.有时,重置相机会有所帮助(甚至是硬重置),并且相机会再次开始工作(返回401错误),有时它会自行开始工作.但顺便说一下,相机可以通过其他Camera Viewer Apps继续工作.我从http嗅探器获取的屏幕截图

My camera stops reply to me. The same behaviour I can see when I start use Http sniffer or change Digest's response's field name. Sometimes reset camera helps(or even hard reset) and it start working(return 401 error) again, sometimes it's start working by itself. But by the way the camera continues working via others Camera Viewer Apps. My screenshot from http sniffer


PS After many tests to solve this problem I think my param values are correct, because If change something e.g username, password and etc (except cnonce. When I change сnonce the result the same), I got other error: 401.

Android Studio出现错误的屏幕截图


手动编写SOAP请求是 BAD PRACTICE .我对dart一无所知,但我邀请您寻找gsoap之类的工具来从WSDL文件生成功能,您可以找到此处.请勿手动编写请求,否则解析响应时会一团糟.

Writing SOAP requests by hand is BAD PRACTICE. I know nothing about dart, but I invite you to look for a tool like gsoap for generating the functions from thw WSDL files you can find here.Don't write requests by hand, you'll end up in a mess when parsing the responses.


07-23 02:32