

在我的项目中 我需要像 facebook 那样将一些数据从服务器推送到客户端,当 在客户端配置文件中执行一些更新时 就像有人在客户端的墙上写东西一样,Facebook 会自动将其推送到客户端.

In my project I need to push some data from server to the client like facebook does, when some updates are performed in the clients profile like somebody writes something in the wall of the client, Facebook automatically push it to the client side.

目前我正在使用 AJAX 不断检查数据库的更新.那是不是一个好习惯.

我不想依赖客户端进行更新.我希望 服务器应该在执行与客户端相关的某些更新时自动将数据推送到客户端.

I don't want to depended on the client side for the updates. I want that the server should automatically push the data to the client side when some updates are performed related to the client.


Please suggest some url or sample code to do so......



你应该看看 APE 项目,它支持多种与 Push 尽可能接近的变体,比如长轮询、XHRStreaming 和 WebSockets.

You should take a look at the APE Project, which supports multiple variations that are as close to Push as you will get, like long-polling, XHRStreaming and WebSockets.

编辑仅在 PHP 中执行此操作并不是最佳选择,因为它会占用大量资源来保持所有这些连接的活动状态.

editDoing this in just PHP is not the best choice, as it takes up a lot of resources to keep all those connections alive.


09-05 08:58