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By "frontend" do you mean Javascript running on a web browser or a piece of software you've got running within the same datacenter? I'll assume we are not talking about web browser scenario here.

I think client-side discovery with smart caching and round-robin load balancing scales the best as there is no single point of failure and it reacts very fast to any disruptions within the cluster. But it pushes more logic to client side and makes logging more difficult than the trivial access log of Nginx.

2nd option is very standard and well understood, and Nginx and Haproxy were designed for this workload. Note that you should have a few of them available not to have a single point of failure, and upgrading their binaries (especially if you run them on Docker) will cause a short period of downtime. Clients need to discover these load balancers somehow anyway, DNS is the most common option. DNS works well when the situation is quite static and everything is running on default ports so you don't need to tinker too much with TTLs and SRV records.

3rd option makes client logic simpler because the API Gateway can act as a "view" to the services you've got internally available. But you still need service discovery for clients to find these so they don't really solve the original problem.

Any feedback is welcome, this is a very broad topic and your mileage may vary.

Update: Also if you are using HTTP protocol you might want to secure it by HTTPS. With a load balancer you have the chance of terminating HTTPS there and have simpler non-encrypted traffic within your VPC or whatever behind a firewall.


07-29 13:27