本文介绍了Atmosphere + Jersey:我如何拥有多个广播公司?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个工作的Jersey / Atmosphere / Guice应用程序,它有两个Atmosphere Resources。第一个是示例聊天应用程序的克隆:

I have a working Jersey/Atmosphere/Guice application which has two Atmosphere Resources. The first is pretty much a clone of the example chat application:

@AtmosphereService(broadcaster = JerseyBroadcaster.class, path = "/chat")
public class ChatResource {

    @Suspend(contentType = "application/json")
    public String suspend() {
       return "";

    @Broadcast(writeEntity = false)
    public Response broadcast(Message message) {
        return new Response(message.author, message.message);


The second is a test notification resource which will be sent server-side events:

@AtmosphereService(broadcaster = JerseyBroadcaster.class, path = "/notifications")
public class NotificationsResource {

    @Suspend(contentType = "application/json")
    public String suspend() {
       return "";


Everything is wired up correctly and works fine. However in order for me to send a server side event I issue:

MetaBroadcaster.getDefault().broadcastTo("/*", new Response(...));


Clearly, this will send the broadcast message to both resources. What I want to do is send the server side events only to the notifications resource:

MetaBroadcaster.getDefault().broadcastTo("/notifications", new NotificationResponse(...));


However, that doesn't work. I always receive the following error:

org.atmosphere.cpr.MetaBroadcaster - No Broadcaster matches /notifications.

这是因为只有一家广播公司注册; JerseyBroadcaster上的/ *。

That's because there is only one broadcaster registered; the JerseyBroadcaster on /*.

问题是:如何使这两个资源拥有不同ID /名称的不同广播公司?

The question is: how do I make it so that these two resources have different broadcasters with different IDs/Names?



In the resource, suspend using the channel you want (the 'true' parameter to lookup() forces the channel to be created if it doesn't exist):

@Suspend( contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, period = MAX_SUSPEND_MSEC )
public Broadcastable suspend( @Context final BroadcasterFactory factory )
    return new Broadcastable( factory.lookup( MY_CHANNEL, true ) );


In the other code, which can be pretty much anywhere, broadcast to that channel:

Broadcaster broadcaster = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup( MY_CHANNEL );
if( broadcaster != null ) {
    broadcaster.broadcast( message );


If you're going to be broadcasting from a resource method, you can annotate it instead (as shown in ChatResource's broadcast() method).

这篇关于Atmosphere + Jersey:我如何拥有多个广播公司?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 19:46