我正在尝试使用导入功能将现有的 Java Web 项目(使用 ant build.xml 构建)导入 Eclipse,但 Eclipse 无法将其识别为项目.
I am trying to import an existing java web projects (built using ant build.xml) into Eclipse, using the Import functionality, but Eclipse does not recognize it as a project.
如何将项目导入到 eclipse 中?
How can I import the projects into eclipse?
--- 编辑---我所做的是将项目导入为 Java 项目.是的,Eclipse 3.5 中有一个选项可以将 ant 项目导入 Eclipse.新建项目 -> Java 项目 -> 导入 Ant 项目(或类似项目).
--- Edit ---What I did was to import the project as Java project. Yes there is an option in Eclipse 3.5 to import ant project into eclipse.New Project -> Java Project -> Import Ant project(or something similar).
对于 Juno,执行 File->New->Other,然后选择 File -> New -> Other,在 New 对话框中,选择 Java Project from ExistingAnt 构建文件
For Juno, do File->New->Other, then select File -> New -> Other, and at the New dialog, select Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile
这篇关于如何使用 ant build.xml 导入现有的 java web 项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!