本文介绍了Broken pipe Exception是什么意思?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



what is the meaning of broken pipe exception and when it will come?



A pipe is a data stream, typically data being read from a file or from a network socket. A broken pipe occurs when this pipe is suddenly closed from the other end. For a flie, this could be if the file is mounted on a disc or a remote network which has become disconnected. For a network socket, it could be if the network gets unplugged or the process on the other end crashes.

在Java中,没有 BrokenPipeException 具体而言。这种类型的错误将被包含在一个不同的异常中,例如 SocketException IOException

In Java, there is no BrokenPipeException specifically. This type of error will be found wrapped in a different exception, such as a SocketException or IOException.

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08-19 14:20