本文介绍了如何规范化和设计数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 公司有以下部门。他们需要建立一个信件管理系统。 b $ b意味着,有些人,公司和政府机构会给他们发信。他们需要将这些信件信息收集到系统并进行管理。这是我的研究项目。我需要帮助来构建数据库,ER图,报告和其他需求。帮助我。 Division 1. Admin Division - a。首先,邮递员将所有信件交给管理部门。 湾管理分支标记书中每个字母的重要细节,如客户名称,地址, Tp号码,传真号码,电子邮件,信件主题,信函类型(人事信函,官方或其他),收到日期,需要采取行动(如今天,立即或正常),我的否(如果有信件)等等 c。为每个分支机构负责的分支机构/人员和分支负责人/负责人发送信件人在收到时签署交付书。发货书有以下数据 - 谁发送,谁发送,发送日期,接受日期(分公司负责人/负责人),转发方法(第一次,重新转发 - 因为当一些信件发送到错误的分支,他们返回到再次写信管理分支。应该记录这些路线。 d。如果收到的信件是正式的,请在信件上加上日期标记。信件按照分类给主题并保存在合适的文件中。每个文件都有一个文件号,文件上的每个字母都有每个字母。每个分支管理记录,如收信日期,信件上的日期(客户书面日期),采取的行动(发送回复),页面没有回复的信件, e。这是收到信件时获取报告的想法和需要,分支机构采取的行动是什么。 帐户部门 部门主管部门 人力资源部 IT部门 我需要为上述目的建立一个数据库.P1帮助我,任何机构都可以设计数据库,关系图,报告和视图以及任何其他评论需求。 解决方案A Company has the Following Departments. They need to build a letter management system. That means, some persons, companies and government agencies send letters to them. They need to collect those letters information to a system and manage. This is a project for my study. I need help to build the DB, ER Diagram, Reports and other needs. Help me.Divisions 1. Admin Division - a. First, postman handover all the letters to the admin branch.b. Admin branch marks the important details of each letter in a book such as Client Name, Address, Tp Nos, Fax Nos, Emails, Subject of the letter, Letter Type (Personnel Letter, Official, or Other), Received Date, Action required (like Today, Immediate or Normal), My No (if has on letter) etcc. Deliver the letters for responsible branch/person of each branch and branch head / responsible person sign a delivery book when received. Delivery book has following data – Who send, Who to, Send Date, Accepted date (Branch head/Responsible person), Forward Method (First time, Re forward – because when some letter delivered to wrong branch, they return to the letter again Admin branch. These routings should be recorded.d. If received letter is official, puts the date stamp on the letter. Letters categorized according to the subject and keep them on suitable file. Each file has a file no. and each letter on a file has page no for each letter. Each branch manage records like letter received date, Date on Letter (Clients written Date), Action Taken (Send the reply), Page No of Replied letter,e. That is the idea and need to get reports when letters are received, what are the actions have taken by the branches.Account DivisionDept Head DivisionHR DivisionIT DivisionI need to build a database for above purpose. Pl help me and can any body design the database, Relationship diagram, reports, and views and any other comment needs. 解决方案 这篇关于如何规范化和设计数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!